
Friday, January 25, 2008

N2U and... a sweater!

OHHHHHH... I so wanted to stamp today. I dreamt up some new ideas for some stamps that came recently. In my head... they rock. Who knows if they will work on paper. Do you ever have those ideas? When you think them up and you say to yourself - 'I can't wait to create this one!' And, well, it just doesn't work and you end up crumpling up paper, throwing it, screaming all the way? Anyway, I digress....

I couldn't stamp because it looked like an F4 tornado hit just a 12 by 12 section of my home - my stamp room! It took over an hour just to get it all back put away. I was ---THIS CLOSE-- to taking a picture and posting it in hopes of shaming myself to be a more organized stamper but I just couldn't do it. Maybe I don't want you all to see "the real me!" :-)

So, here's my N2U

This card was created thanks to one of the Outlines Rubber Stamps that I had. These stamps are fun because you stamp the same image multiple times and use different pieces to layer. I stamped the image on a red piece and then used a heart punch to cut it out and align it up on my card. I think this a cool technique that could be used with other stamps. For the black layer, I stamped my image with Versamark and then brushed on some Brilliant Gold Pearl Ex. Love that stuff! The rest is pretty self explanatory - ribbon, ribbon slide.. and Voila!

Here's a close up of the window....

And, here's another reason why I didn't stamp today! I started this sweater more than a year ago. It's made with wool from sheep right in Montana, hand dyed, very cool. Well, I have no idea why I don't just finish the thing! It's a really cool ribbed cardi. So, today I blocked the pieces so I could sew it all together. FUN! And the great part is - it's still cold enough to wear it! Normally, I finish sweaters in the summer when there's no way I can even enjoy the hours it took to put into the darn thing!!!

Well, off to pick up kiddos from school! Happy Friday!


  1. The heart card is so nice. Love Outlines !!!
    The cardigan, you will have show me when it is done..
    I like the light bulb card too.
    Have a great weekend.
    This weekend I am off to see Michael Buble with my Mom and MIL,,

  2. Such a beautiful card! I love it. Thanks so much for sharing and have a wonderful weekend, Julie. Take care! :)

  3. Such a gorgeous card Julie!!!
    You should of taken a pic of your room!!!Lol!!! It only took 1 hour to straighten it out...OMG!!! You wouldn't want to see mine right now!Have a wonderful weekend! I will cause I'm making cards,yoohoo!

  4. Wow you have been busy. I can see how the scrap space could get the best of you. Great cards and I love the colours on them all.
    Bela (SBS-05 Sistah)

  5. That card is just to die for -- totally FAB!!! Love it muchly!!! Oh, and if you can pick up your stamp room in about an hour -- gee, that's clean!!! LOL!!! And your sweather -- WOW -- how great!!! Hope you get it all finished soon!!! TFS!!!

  6. Can't wait to see the sweater!


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