
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Time To Share! A Gift......

How incredibly spoiled do I feel???? About a week ago this little number arrived in my mail box all the way from Ontario. Janine, I know you are rolling your eyes right now.. but I had to share! Janine is one of my sisters in the SBS5 group and she's one of my new blogging BFFs! You can check out her blog *HERE* She has some fabulous creations!

Don't you just love this tag card she made? And the goodies below? My heart stopped. I can't wait to use some of these things to make fabulous creations! She even sent rubber - a darling butterfly and a fun birthday stamp from Outlines!!! One thing I have never used is Radiant Rain. If anyone has and has a link or two to something you have done with this fun paint, let me know, I'd love to see! Thanks Janine! You are the best!!!



  1. Wow - great tag book - dontcha just love Happy Mail - it makes my day!!!

  2. Wow - great tag book - dontcha just love Happy Mail - it makes my day!!!

  3. What a neat surprise. Love that butterfly stamp, it's kind of artsy and so very sweet. Janine is the best. MOM

  4. Nice mail indeed, it's beautiful! :)

    Radiant Rain : I have some of those and Glimmer Mists as well, they are similar, just diferent colours and different size bottles so here are some examples I've made:

    Just make sure you have an old cardboard box and open up the front to use as a spray booth as it's very messy and the spray travels a LONG way!! I line the box with kitchen paper before spraying. Have fun!

  5. Wow how gorgeous ,realy beautiful gift ,Dawnxx

  6. Ooh lucky girl!! Such great goodies!!! Thanks for the b'day wish btw!!Hugs,Diane

  7. Lucky you! How very cute! Take care! :)

  8. Hey !!! Yes I did roll my eyes but in a good way !! :)
    You are sweet to share with everyone and your Mom is just the cutest !!
    Did you ever find those I.O. stamps??


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!