
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birthay Mitra!

For those of you that are fans of Impression Obsession - you know Mitra Friant is the mover and shaker of the company. She started it 10 years ago and is a real on-the-go kinda woman! Well, today is her BIRTHDAY! Mitra -- I hope it's the best girl! You rock and so do your stamps!

In honor of her special day, I made Mitra a birthday card with one of my favorite IO stamps. It's called Build-A-Tree. I've been wanting to do a scalloped circle card for a while now, so - out came the Nestabilities! This card was made by folding a piece of purple pearl paper and leaving just a smidge of the fold outside the die. The result is a 4 by 4 circular card! I stamped a couple of the tree branches across my mat and added some flowers (stamped with Violet Mist Vivid ink) and leaves (Olive Vivid Ink) and then added the sentiment in a scalloped circle - I penciled in where the branch should be in order to create an even line from my mat on both sides. Then, I went to town adding flowers, leaves, and who could forget - the birdie! I punched two holes at the top fold of my card and strung some sheer purple ribbon through! VIOLA! Done!

Check out what some of the other IO girls did!!



Hope you are all having a fabulous day! If you get a chance, go check out the new images at IO - they were just added yesterday! Click HERE for the clear stamps, and HERE for the new rubber! Lots of fun stuff!!

Tomorrow brings another Stamp Simply challenge-- and, of course, it's another fun one! Let's just say, you'll be seeing more than double!! :-)

Until tomorrow!

Edited to add: I forgot to include the source for the sentiments! How could I forget? This is sooooo cool! You can find the main circle "A little birdie." HERE. And check out all the cool things you can add to the center! I used It's Your Birthday. But, other sayings are - You're having a baby, You're getting married, You got a promotion, You have a new nest, You need a little cheering up. The fun thing about IO is that you can get these either wood mounted or cling. Cling is 40% off wood mounted prices! OK! I'll stop enabling now!! (Thanks Nancy for reminding me that I forgot to include these stamps! Guess I shouldn't post before I go to bed!!)

If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete." ~
Jack Kornfield


  1. Oh this is so pretty! Lovely delicate colours and such a beautiful shape!

  2. Julie what a wonderfully unique and beautiful card.

  3. holy catnip, this is beautiful julie!

  4. Absolutely stunning Julie! Love the shape,the nestas,the stamps,
    heck it's all good!!! She will enjoy this card I'm sure!!!

  5. Beautiful card!

  6. This is sooo beautiful and soft! Looks like there are some awesome new stamps from IO! Off to shop I go! lol

  7. cute, cute card, Julie! You always do the best cards with that build a tree set.

  8. Julie this crd is my best!!! I love circle cards:)
    I hope she had a wonderful B-day!

  9. Great card, never tried a circle card but it is adorable. Mom

  10. Oooohhh, delightful card! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mitra!!

  11. Julie, this is a great card! What stamp set did you use for the circle words?

  12. Wow, this is stunning. love how you used the stamps. Just awesome.

  13. I love this! It's so original and I am inspired to make a circular card now! :)

  14. Fantastic, Julie! Love the card shape! And now I have to go and check this stamp co. out. Oh my, I might be in trouble! (again)

  15. Your blog is so pretty - I just found it and already I'm hooked! Your card designs are beautiful - perfect eye candy for my afternoon!


  16. Julie, I hope you don't mind, but I cased this card? I linked you on my blog post so people would know it was your card. :) By the way, your card is much nicer!! LOL So soft and delicate looking....

  17. The colours are so pretty and the card is gorgeous.


  18. ...this is just beautiful! I love it! I will have to go and check this out...your card is adorable! TFS...hope you are having a wonderful night! Take care! :)

  19. Such a beautiful card! The best circle card I've seen!


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!