
Thursday, July 31, 2008

No cards to share today!

Well folks-- nothing to share today! I have been so busy entertaining kids and working - no time to stamp this week! I did want to say - the voting for the Paper Crafts Gallery Idol closes today at noon. If you haven't voted and want to check my card out - I would be grateful! This is the semi-finals so to speak so I am crossing everything I have that I make it!!!

You can check out the link HERE and, just like here, I am "outtoimpress!"

Thanks! I'll be back tomorrow with Sharon's fabulous Stamp Simply challenge!!
See you then!

EDITED TO ADD: Head on over to my mom's site click HERE she's giving away some pretty cool blog candy. You won't want to miss it!!! She's giving away the "Rejoice" Christmas set from Flourishes, some paper, ribbon and monoadhesive plus anything else she decides to throw in!


  1. Don't work too hard and have fun with the kids!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Good luck! I voted for you a few days ago. Enjoy the kids!


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!