
Friday, August 29, 2008

Stampin' Champion Contest!

Ok, I was just blog surfing and realized when I hit the Just Rite blog that one of my projects this week made it to the Stampin' Champion Contest! Remember my sewing kit??? Holy cow! I am in great company! One of my bloggin' buds Barb Schram is also in the running and her project is amazing! You might want to head on over and vote!!! All you need to do is click HERE! Voting ends Monday at 9:00 PM Eastern!

p.s. I'll be back tomorrow with the winner of my blog candy!!


  1. I voted for you yesterday. That kits was just too, too cute! :-)

  2. Voted :) Good Luck Julie and congratulations!

  3. Voted too, but I think something is wrong with their counters! Best, Curt

  4. You always do an excellent work that inspires a lot of people. I already voted for you. Hope you win... and if not... please feel proud of your work anyway. Edelmira Rivera (


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!