
Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's your birthday-- party on amigo!

Ok folks... this is how my morning went. I am just waking up- you know me without coffee --- not good -- when my daughter literally jumps out from behind a corner and starts singing happy birthday to me. It was like she was stalking me! LOL! And then, she says -- "Want to read my card mom? It's really funny. It's about weiner dogs!" Then she starts giggling uncontrollably. Well, with one eye open and now a cup of coffee in my hand, I say - "Ok honey. That sounds fun." Well, my husband is now on to us and says - "Are you going to open your card because if you are- I am not going anywhere!" I look at him with the expression of "huh?" She hands me the envelope and I stop to check out all the smiley faces and hearts she drew all over the envelope. When I open it up - there is a chihuahua on the front of the card- in a sombero with the words "Enjoy your birthday Amigo...." Open it up and you see the dog with a whole mess of tequila and it says, "If you know what I mean!" That's not the funniest part - when you open the card, the song "Tequilla" plays! OH MY! Now, my daughter is dancing all over the room and my husband is laughing his butt off. While cracking up myself, I look at him like - What the heck were you thinkin'? He says, "She doesn't even know what it says -- she thought the dog was cute!" HA! Oh, my family. I tell you!

So, my friends -- that's all I've got today! I'll be back late tonight with a peek at Sharon's Stamp Simply Challenge! Until then....... Have a good one!


  1. Oh, birthday girl, save this card for when she can read AND comprehend! Yeah, go easy and don't wear out the "tequilla" music. Glad you got those hearts & smileys, too. Hope you get enough coffee to make it a great day!

  2. Happy Birthday! What a funny story! That Ellie has a great sense of humor.

  3. Happy Birthday Party Girl!! LOL!!

    I love those musical cards...I ususally hide them from the kids after a couple days. I got my FIL one that explains taking a break to remember all your thankful for on the up and it read It's Called it plays the NFL song!! LOL....

  4. What a cute story! Have a very happy birthday!

  5. Too funny! Happy Birthday, Julie!

  6. "Happy Birthday" Julie....How `sweet` is that!!!
    Sounds like your having the mostperfect Day already!!!
    Have a fun filled Evening:)~X~

  7. Ah the innocence of youth - what a cutie! Happy Birthday! ~chris

  8. Happy Birthday Julie .Your work is an inspiration to me ,I just found you this fall and have been an avid follower since.Have a wonderful day.

  9. What a great birthday start! Hope you day is wonderful! Happy Birthday! Best, Curt

  10. LOL...I am still laughing! Happy Birthday and have a WONDERFUL day!!!

  11. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday, dear Julie
    Happy Birthday to you!

  12. Oh look at this cute little chihuahua him.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE.....hope you have a wonderful day on your special day.

    All the best,

  13. Happy Birhtday! Kids are the sweetest aren't they. hee hee Hope you have a wonderful day!

  14. Happy birthday, hope you have a great day filled with lots of fun stuff!!! Ann Lind

  15. Hope you had an exceptional day!
    It sure started well,lol!
    Happy 30 mate B'day Julie!!
    At least that's what your Mom said you we're,30 and something that rhymes with mate,lol!!!

  16. Happy birthday to you dear Julie!! What a hoot first thing in the morning LOL! I hope you are having a FANTASTIC day :)

  17. Happy Happy Birthday Julie - gotta love hubby's sense of humor!

  18. Happy Birthday, Julie, Blessings to you, Happy Birthday, Julie!

  19. Happy Birthday Julie! Your mom was funny this morning when I was reading her post. She was reenacting your birth!!! And kind of telling your age!

  20. your birthday morning was pretty happy. i can envision little dude and ken and you... HAHAHA!!!
    happy birthay my friend, you are a gift to the world. you are the best. i love you. hope you had the bestest birthday ever!

  21. I'm a bit late, but I wanted to wish the best birthday!!

  22. Your daughter is too sweet! Happy Birthday!

  23. Well happy birthday Julie, ours are pretty close together, but I have a feeling I have quite a few years on you . . . LOL! How adorable of your daughter to celebrate with you in such a cute manner. I have a dachshund, he's definitely a weiner dog!

  24. Funny Story Julie!!!!
    Happy Birthday (belated)!!!!
    Hope you had a great day!

  25. Happy Birthday, Julie!

  26. Happy Birthday Julie! I loved your story and the card that you got!

  27. Oh hahahahahhahahh! Happy birthday!

  28. LOL! That is so funny! I hope your birthday was fabulous!

  29. Hee hee...that is too funny! Definitely save that card for when she "gets" it! ;) Happy, happy belated birthday to you!!!

  30. Oh, too funny is right!!! Again, happy belated BD -- but I gave you triple belated wishes in another post - -don't know what it is about you that makes me repeat my posts so often -- LOL!!!


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