
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Proud to be....

For my American friends - you don't need me to tell you it's the day most of us have been waiting to be over. Won't you be glad when the airwaves are silent and no one is shouting at us about the "other guy?" I hate to wish a day away but I also hate the bitterness and animosity that has been brewing for the last 18 plus months. I just pray we heal and move on and work to solve some of the grave problems we face in this country. In the meantime... get out and vote!

So, on this election day, I bring you an old to me, new to my blog card! I made it last summer for the Paper Craft Gallery Idol competition but realized, it's never been posted here! I think it's kind of appropriate today -- don't you think?

The small star is a stamp from Impression Obsession, the larger stars are actually die cuts that my friend Phyl cut out for me with her handy dandy Cricut! The little saying was from a Studio G set that my bud Janine gave me. papers are unknown! Can't remember -- it was too long ago! LOL!

Before I go... Have you all heard of... It's an online community created by paper crafters FOR paper crafters! Membership has exploded the last few days and more are joining every hour! There are discussion groups, places to upload cards and there is even a group for Flourishes (one of my fave stamping companies). Click HERE to join and while you're there, check out the Flourishes page!

That's it for now my friends! Until tomorrow!


  1. been a proud American even before i became a citizen to the United States. also, good thing that i'm not waiting for Joe to run for presidency, otherwise i couldn't be a proud american yet:)
    today is it, yes indeed. we shall see.

    i'm reminding myself tomorrow at 8:45. quarter to 9 will also do.

  2. Julie regarding the healing of this Nation from your mouth to God's ears. I love your card it is a great tribute to a great country and a great day. TFS.

    Debbie/Phx AZ

  3. still an awesome card! I'm right with you about this election.

  4. Just walked in from voting! This was the first time I ever had to stand in line to vote! I stood in line for an hour and was glad to do it. Great card for the occasion, Julie!

  5. Beautiful card (may have to case).
    I hear you on the Election. Worse here in WA state because we have the same 2 canidates running for Gov. that ran last time in a very close & heated race all over again.

  6. Great card Julie! We are proud to be an American!!
    We must continue to pray for our nation and for our leaders!

  7. A fabulous patriotic card Julie, I love it! God Bless our Country!!

  8. Fabulous patriotic card! Your election process is very long, I can understand the desire to get back to normal...even I miss the normal TV programming and more random issues to discuss!!

  9. Yes, I'm glad we're moving on now. Thank goodness we live in a country where this process can take place. You've chosen a wonderful card to commemorate the day!

  10. Great card, Julie!
    Hope everybody made the right choice on Election Day!

  11. What a great card!
    Not gonna lie, I was a little sad when the polls came in. I hope our country can move in a good direction and try to come together.

  12. I love the card! How sophistocated and how lovely too!


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