
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thinking Of You!

I could say this card is for my buddy Janine, but that would be cruel and unsual punishment! You see, at some point in Janine's past, her house was infested with ladybugs and even today -- she hates them! How could you hate such lovable and cute lil bugs??? :-)

These are some of the new Sarah Phelps images from Impression Obsession that were just released this winter at CHA. I stamped with Versafine Black Onyx then colored with a red watercolor pencil and blended with a blender pen. The underneath of the bugs were colored with a Copic marker (Cool Grey #1) I took my Copic fine line black pen and doodled in the little walk lines for the one lady bug. Add some fun punched edges, a black and white polka dot sheer ribbon, a paper flower and some bling and.... your done! I do wish I knew what dp this was! It was just a scrap in my dp bin!

Is anyone playing along over on SCS for Virtual Stamp Night? They have some fun challenges! I've been playing and still need to upload a few cards! Check it out if you havent!

Well folks, hope you are enjoying your weekend! I'll see you back here soon!


  1. Very cute card. While I don't hate ladybugs like Janine, I can tell you this...they taste AWFUL! When I was kid, one flew into my mouth while I was yawning and when I closed my mouth, I bit down on it. BITTER...yuk!! So, I empathize with Janine!

    Love that corner punch, dp, ribbon, flower AND stamp!!

  2. Cute card and thank goodness the plague of ladybugs seems to be over here. We also had them a couple years back and they were painted on the house. Yikes! But I still think they are cute little buggers. Mom

  3. I love this card! So cute!
    But I undestand Janine, we had the same problem last year with our house...

  4. That is cute Julie,but I understand Janine for not liking them.I wouldn't either if I would of had an army of them visit me.

  5. thinking of you card........ total cuteness.

    thanks, i was thinking of you too. i'm well now, Jules. do you want to hang out with your slanted-eyed friend? some time in the near future before i get sick again?

  6. I LOVE ladybugs! They are supposed to bring you good luck! When I was little my grandma would always recite this poem when one would land on her. . ."Ladybug, Ladybug, fly away home! Your house is on fire and your children will burn." How morbid is that?!?! LOL But she said that if you said that it would bring you good luck! More like good luck for the ladybug's children if she got there in time! HA! Love the card! Cute as it can be! Best, Curt

  7. Yes !! I'm thinking of you too :)

  8. HI JULIE!!! Thanks for thinking of me... We will see how the ladybugs stack up this year when they come out of hibernation.
    Just got back from Toronto.. Driving not great on the way back. Snowy and blowy... High tea was lovely. Both my boys were there and my brother and SIL's girls were there so my Mom was pleased as punch!!
    Talk to you soon.
    xo J.

  9. I love it! So cute those lady bugs. I hardly see those in my yard. They are cuter on cardstock!!!

  10. Cute card! I've never had bad experience with lady bugs, so I love them; don't really see them much around here though.

  11. Cute card! I love the "good garden" ladybugs but not the other ones that get in your house.

  12. This is so cute! I love the little trail and all the polka dots and the flower on the ribbon. Just darling!

  13. Darling card -- our entire AREA has been infested with ladybugs the last few years!!! LOL!!!


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