
Monday, April 12, 2010

A wee bit busy lately!

Hey all! Hope you all had a nice weekend. I'll have a card to show off in just a few but first... I have been kind of laying low in blog land this past week because we've been in the middle of a mini remodel project. We have been renovating an unfinished part of our basement into a home office. It's been a FAST project.

This is what it looked like a week ago... we were in the middle of painting....

Pretty rough around the edges....

And, just 7 days later, this is what the room looks like!

Thanks for bearing with me -- after all that hard work, I had to post pics! :-) The furniture arrives tomorrow, so I'll probably have to show another once my hubby's office is all together. It was tough because I wanted to pick a floral rug and fun accessories but -- he's a guy -- so I had to keep it more manly! LOL!

Ok... I have had a wee bit of time to create so.... without further ado... I just love watercoloring with distress inks. So, when I picked up this Alesa Baker image from Impression Obsession (Single Rose and Lavendar), I just knew I had to paint it up! I used Milled Lavendar, Worn Lipstick, Antique Linen and Peeled Paint inks. The paper is a mix of scraps from my decorative paper bins. I literally went "fishing" for the right colors after I was done. Then, I added some pearls, some stitching and... voila! Done! I love the fact that this card could be a real "any occassion" card. Perfect to keep in my stash!
Well, my friends, there you have it! Hope you have a wonderful start to your week! I'm going to have a BUNCH more for you starting Wednesday. Flourishes begins its sneak peeks for its April release! So.... stay tuned!
See you back here soon!


  1. Sweet card Julie!! ooohhhh I hear you on the decorating ideas, this would have been a nice stamping room!!! You could have started off fresh with everything organized! LOL

  2. Wahoo!! Ken's office is just gorgeous and can't wait to see it with the furniture you guys picked will be stunning.
    Love your card, it is also a stunning job. Mom

  3. That's a great room! I LOVE the flooring and the paint colors on your walls. Looks great!

    Very cute card too! Love the colors, very spring appropriate. Wish this wind would go away though!

  4. oooh, this looks fantastic Julie! What's so fun is that I actually saw the's going to be stunning with the furniture in there. Ken must love it!

    And the card! I can't believe you just "found" scraps that went so perfectly! Gorgeous card, I really need to get some reinkers too to try watercoloring with.

  5. Looks gorgeous Julie!! But I want to see that flowered rug!!

  6. Mighty handsome project! Being at work in the basement would have muffled the thunder claps and totally unfamiliar rain drips in the gutters of this early morning. Nice! Storm is rotating north according to NEXRAD. One more dreamy look at your most beautius scrap card and then, maybe, peaceful zzzs.

  7. LOVE LOVE the office. I am surprised you don't take it over for your craft room :) The lighting is really very cool. I love your card as well. The colors are so pretty and love how you cut/tore your paper is very nice

  8. Beautiful card! I love the combo of DP and your watercolor painting!
    Very,very pretty!!

    Thank you for taking the time to share when you have so much going on!

  9. Looks gorgeous Julie! So is the card of course!

  10. I LOVE home decor and remodeling stuff. The later not so much fun....but the finish work is so worth it! Great space! floral rugs? LOL!

    Beautiful card and coloring, Julie! Great design!

  11. Wow.... You sure have made progress on the room. LOVE the hardwood floors. And I have to say... that is the best paint job I have ever seen. ;0) Hee hee

  12. Now that is one gorgeous male office!.......and your card is just beautiful! like always. So feminine lovely.

  13. Wow, you did a great job! I understand about the floral rug though, sigh...but it looks fab!

    Your card is so pretty! I love the torn edges on that gorgeous rose!

  14. Wow! Fabulous room, Julie! It looks so big and it turned out beautiful! Love those wonderful closets. And you made time to stamp, too. You're a wonder! Beautiful card!


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