
Friday, August 5, 2011

Celebrating the Summer Sky!

Oh these days of summer! Sadly, they will be gone before we know it - so let's celebrate this time of year now! Flourishes is getting it's warehouse ready to release four brand new sets for August and this release truly celebrates summer's best! Since you love a good challenge to get you in the mood for the week of fun -- let's roll out this month's kick off challenge -- it's one where you could win Flourishes' entire August release!

HOW TO PLAY: With the warm sunny days, come beautiful sunset skies. Let's celebrate that on our cards and creations! This color challenge is open to interpretation! Sunsets are so unique - some have mostly shades of red and orange, others can light up the sky with purple and pink hues! Pick your favorite sunset colors and share your inspiration. After you create your card, be sure to go to the Flourishes Blog and link up to the Shades of Sunset Challenge Post! You have until August 12th at 5PM EST to enter!

On to my creation! I was really inspired by this photo above with the shades of purple. So, I wanted not only golden shades but a dash of purple too -- and what better flower than Flourishes' Sunflower to make my creation, right?

To make my card, I just stamped my image using Rich Cocoa Memento Ink on Flourishes Classic White and colored up my flower with Copics - I shaded differently though. Since I wanted my flower to look more sunset kissed - I actually chose shades of rose and purple! (R20, R01, R0000 and V01, V0000) For my actual flower I used the Sunflower, Flesh Tones 2, Poppy and Fields collections grouped by Flourishes. You can see all the collections HERE. The rest is just matting up my image! I used the Spellbinders Labels Eighteen (cut thanks to my Grand Calibur). The paper is a mix of BasicGrey and Memento. Add some white cotton ribbon and a bow... and voila!

Here's a close up!
Need a little inspiration to get you on your creative way? Check out what our DT whipped up with a gorgeous sunset in mind!

Barbara Anders
Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Danielle Kennedy
Julie Koerber -- you are here!
Leslie Miller
Stacy Morgan
Tammy Hershberger -- She's graciously filling in for Dawn this month!

Thanks for stopping by! We can't wait to see what you create!


  1. I have this stamp and it has never seen ink! I can hardly believe it myself. You have inspired me to get out and play!

  2. Wow your coloring on this is just amazing, the colors and the shading are fabulous!!

  3. Stunning coloring! I love that sunflower and your card is just gorgeous!

  4. Fabulous coloring, Julie! Gorgeous card and design!

  5. Oooooh, love these colors together! Beautiful coloring. Super cute card!!

  6. Really awesome coloring on this one Julie. I love the combination of yellow and purple too, and a cool layout!

  7. Beautiful and even more in person. Thank you for sending this, made my day.

  8. very pretty. That's such a pretty flower and I love that ladybug on it.

  9. Your colors are beautiful. Love the pretty Sunflower. :)

  10. verry verryb beautiful, great colours and the sunflower looks sooo real!!!!
    xx petra

  11. OMG! This is one of the most gorgeous sunflowers I've ever seen!!! I love it stamped in cocoa and shaded with all that purple. You don't have an actual sunset on your card, but the flower looks like a sunset is shining on it. Love it!

  12. Wow your coloring is amazing!! wonderful choice of colors!!You did an awesome job!!

  13. This is gorgeous, Julie! Your coloring on the sunflower is FABULOUS!

  14. Beautiful card. This is one of my favourite stamp sets. I love the golden shades with the purple. Such a regal combination.

  15. Gorgeous sunflower and wonderful coloring! ;)


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