
Friday, June 8, 2012

Gimme Ten & Celebrate Five!

Hi all! This time next week, Flourishes will be wrapping up its sneak peek week with three new beautiful sets being unveiled! So, to get ready for the big reveal….the DT is ushering in a fun-filled challenge to give you a chance to win each and every one of them! Mark your calendar — the fun starts NEXT WEDNESDAY!! AND....... there's more fun! Today, I kick off a 5th Blogoversary Celebration. If you scroll down, you'll find details on how to enter my challenge. I will have three HUGE prize packs to give away! So, don't miss out!

For Flourishes Challenge....all you need is ten minutes and a dash of creativity to play in our latest Release Week Challenge! It's one that gives you a chance to WIN our entire release for June!
HOW TO PLAY: Let your creativity shine AND don't take a long time to do it! This challenge is all about those 10-minute creations. Clean and simple layouts that can be done in a jiffy is what we are looking for here! Entries must be in by June 15th by 5PM EST in order to be in the running for the entire June Release! If you upload to Splitcoaststampers, please use the keyword FLLCJUN12! Winners will be chosen at random but one lucky person will be chosen to have their card featured here on the Flourishes blog! Just click HERE to find out more!

On to my creations! I actually did two!

I started really wanting to try out some of the brand new Memento inks that I just got!! These colors are truly yummy as you are about to see! I stamped the ferns from Ferns and Fiddles using Versamark Ink and then embossing with clear embossing powder. Afterward, I sponged on some Pistachio ink and then stamped one of the other fern leaves over top to create a kind of background and contrast. From there, add a few score lines, some embroidery thread a sentiment from the set and voila! Easy peasy lemon squeezey!!

Here's a close up!

 My second creation was actually a test drive of the first creation using Teal Zeal ink instead of the lighter green shade. After stamping and sponging, I thought it was too dark for a mostly white I cut out the image and sponged ink all over the panel. I had this sketch scribbled out on a nearby notebook -- so that took some of the thinking out of this one! Add a sentiment, some bling and.... ta da!

While you are out and about hopping around, take a minute to see what our fine designers have created!

So get those creative juices flowing — it could help you win some fantastic polymer! Wait... before you go. Do you want another challenge??

I honestly cannot believe it's been five years since I first posted a card here on Out to Impress! It's been a fun and wild ride and man oh man -- did it go FAST! I've been piling up some goodies for about six months to get ready and I will be giving away not one, not two but THREE prize packs to those that participate in my challenge! The good news is if you take on the Flourishes Challenge you will qualify for mine!

HOW TO PLAY! Choose one of the two challenges or create with both! 
  • Create a ten minute creation
  • Use a resist technique for your creation
  • You can submit up to three cards -- give each portion of the challenge a try or try one of them three times -- makes no difference to me! 
  • When you are done, link your creation up below using the Inlinkz widget!
I'll take entries through next Thursday at 5PM EST. I will draw three winners from the submissions and each of the prize packs has a value of roughly $100 each and will contain stamp sets, single stamps, alterables, mini embossing folders, decorative papers and embellishments! I will say one of the packs will be heavily focused on Christmas sets, papers and embellishments - if you would rather not be in the running for that one -- just leave me a comment and I will make sure that your name isn't in the running for that prize.

Thanks all for stopping by! I soooooo appreciate your visits and your comments! Happy Friday and Happy Stamping!


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  1. Love the cards Julie. I love the look of resist but always forget to do it. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED....I hope anyway!

  2. VERY pretty and love the dimensional look!!

  3. They're both GORGEOUS, Julie!! Love that resist on these! Happy blogaversary, girlie!

  4. Julie these are wonderful. The embossing really steps them up to classy for 10 mintues.

  5. Julie, what beautiful work with both of these cards and this set. Those inks look fabulous used in both of them. Mine just arrived yesterday :)

    Happy 5 Years girl! You continue to inspire!

  6. LOVE<> LOVE<> LOVE your gorgeous fern cards, especially that first one with its simplistic beauty. There's drool on my chin. HMMM. No way to link up anything I make, so guess I'm out of this. Plus it would take me at least 12 minutes to find my scissors, let alone the rest of the stuff. Been working outside in the yard lately, so at least something around here is sporting an improved look. BLESS YOU for the last 5 years of helping me to be thoroughly inspired to go forth and create. My life is so much richer because of you and your amazing kindness. HUGS!!!

  7. Beautiful stamping! I especially love that first one with all the fresh green and white!

  8. CAS is not so easy for me- but will have to give it a go!!! I love your fern cards- both- beautiful!

  9. Julie, a huge congrats to you on five years of blogging! I've followed your blog for quite a while now and I always enjoy seeing your beautiful creations, especially those made with Flourishes stamps. Thanks for a fun challenge--I'm looking forward to entering again with a 10-minute creation or two!

  10. Happy Blogversary, Julie, and wishing you at least 5 more! I adore resist cards, so I'll be playing often, I hope! Thanks for sharing your beautiful fern cards!

  11. Hi Julie, just started following your blog - love your work. Your resist cards are beautiful - thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Your fern cards are gorgeous! Love how soft the first one is and how dramatic the second one is, it really showcases the versatility of the stamp!

  13. Great fern card. resist techniques are a favorite of mine. I added a card i made for your challenge.
    stamping sue

  14. These are beautiful, Julie! Love the effect you created with the white ink!

  15. Beautiful cards! Congrats on your %th Blogaversary!

  16. Your cards are wonderful! I just got those Memento inks & love them, too. I'm still working towards 1 year of having a blog--5 is quite an accomplishment! Your giveaways are so generous--I'm including my 10 minute card.


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!