
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Let's hear it for the Red, White and Blue!

Hi all! And... Happy Friday! In just a matter of days, sparks will fly as fireworks hit the skies over the United States to celebrate our independence! To get ready for the fanfare, the Flourishes Design Team is getting ready to share a little of the red, white and blue by using Flourishes' set Patriotism on Parade! Even Christine Okken (one of our resident Canadians decided to share in the spirit!)

On to my creation!

I started by stamping "Proud to be an American" right on what looked like a label on a piece of paper from the Genuine paper pack. Doesn't it look sewn on? I loved that and while I didn't know when I stamped this what on earth I would do - I knew I had to work it in!

And, here's a peek at my creation! All paper is from Genuine with the exception of the red and white polka dot paper that I grabbed from my scrap bin. I added some stitching, a bow made out of the solid red wrinkled ribbon, a punched border and epoxy flower and... almost done!

The focal point of my card was, of course, these cute kiddos in silhouette! You can also see that in addition to stamping them (using Tuxedo Black Ink), I stamped some fireworks as well on the paper using Danube Blue and Love Letter Memento Inks.

And.. lastly, while I loved this tag - I decided the paper that it was on was too light - so I cut it out and attached it to this darker blue damask pattern. And... to keep the stitching look - I actually attached it by sewing it on! Put your matted image on a card made out of Flourishes Classic White paper and that, my friends, is it!
Now you'll have to head on over and see what splash of patriotic creativity the rest of the design team is firing off this week! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Barbara Anders
  • Christine Okken
  • Cindy Lawrence
  • Danielle Kennedy
  • Julie Koerber 
  • Sharon Doolittle
  • Stacy Morgan
  • Tammy Hershberger

  • Have a fabulous weekend!

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    1. I love your card! What a wonderful way to use this stamp!

    2. This has a country feel to the Fourth of July with the stitching and your denim and red. Very cute Julie!

    3. Perfect card in keeping with the Patriotic spirit! Love the papers and the great stitching you added!

    4. What a fabulous 4th of July card. I love your denim paper and cute tag. I just realized I don't have any 4th of July Flourishes images. That has got to be one of the few I don't own.


    5. I love that label for the sentiment. I does look sewn on!

    6. This is really pretty Julie! I love the polka dots and damask, and your tag is fabulous! Have a happy 4th!

    7. I love everything about this!! The silhouette is adorable and the tag is fabulous!

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