
Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's a Yellow and Gray kind of Day!

Hi all! It's time for an Impression Obsession Challenge! One that will give you a chance at winning a $25 gift certificate to the IO store. All you need to do is pick up your IO stamps... and join us! Today's challenge is all about color -- two of them actually -- yellow and gray! Just use those as your two main colors, and you'll be in the running! If you want to read up on all the official details, just click HERE!

On to my creation!

I started by stamping the stamp called Swing and Basket on white card stock and then, just colored the image up with Copic markers and used a mix of greens, yellows, reds, purples and browns. I matted my image up with some papers from Authentique and My Mind's Eye.The ribbon is from May Arts. Add some crochet lace and a fun mustard colored brad and .... ta da! Done! The sentiment is THIS one called Thinking of You Days stamped in London Fog Memento Ink.

Here's a close up!
The other gals from Impression Obsession added a splash of yellow and gray in their creations today! So, be sure to stop by and see....

Daniela Dobson
Dina Kowal
Jeanne Streiff
Jenny Gropp
Julie Koerber -- you are here!
Laura Fulcher
Vicki Garrett

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you join us and play! I'll be back tomorrow with some more creative fun, so be sure to tune back in. Happy Thursday!

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  1. Have to tell you that when I read the gray & yellow color combo, I was turning up my nose. Your card is a beauty! Love that image and your adding gingham and lace to spruce it up.

  2. So pretty Julie! Just the right splash of colors on your image...hugs ~S~

  3. I love the pencil etching look of the image and your bright colors that bring this to life. I think the colors look great together. Your card is bringing us into the warm fall look. Fabulous job!!

  4. Gorgeous card ! Great finishing touches such as the sewing, the DP, ribbon and lace, plus the fussy cutting on the sides I nearly missed.

  5. Beautifully done- your card has just the right touches of embellishments too- love the stitching!


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