
Friday, January 18, 2013

It's Free for all Friday!

Hi all and welcome to another Free for all Friday, when the Flourishes designers get to pick up one of their favorites from the recent release and.... give you some more ideas on how to use this new and wonderful set! It's also the last day of our special January New Release Bundle. This special deal gives you 10% off all three of our new sets when you purchase it in a bundle! So, click HERE to see this deal in the store and remember -- today's the last day! 

On to my creation!
I had this idea in my head for a while now and really thought this set would be perfect to give it a try! It was such an easy peasy card but I love the bold pop of color. All I did was use the largest floral cluster from the Roses Are Red stamp, stamped on kraft card stock using Versamark ink. I embossed using a detail white embossing powder and then grabbed some Aquamarkers. I didn't want to use Copics because the nib on the Copic marker can get damaged by touching the areas with embossing powder. Then, I literally took the fine point nib on the marker and scribbled! Yep, scribbled. I added color closest to the embossed lines and then drew the color out using the Aquamarker blender pen.

I matted it all up on a piece of medium red paper from the Poppy Color Made Easy paper collection, added some white seam binding ribbon, a punched tag and a sentiment from the Mix-n-Mug set and... ta da!

Here's a peek at that darling little tag (from the Perfectly Pierced Victorian Ovals die set).... 


And, if you wondered how I added the white embossed line, I used a Versamark Pen and a straight edge from my paper trimmer. I simply lined it up at the 1/4" mark all the way around my card and drew on my line, adding embossing powder afterward and embossing! I might use this trick more often!
Want to see what other creativity the Flourishes gals whipped up this week using the new sets? Just hop on over and see....

Hope you have a fabulous weekend! I have a fun one ahead. My daughter (who is in 4th grade) is in her first ever basketball tournament with some girls from her class. They are a hoot to watch because they are all just spit-fires. Should make for a fun weekend! Hope life is good wherever you are! Until next time!



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  1. What a fun technique on your card Julie! And I love the little Victorian Oval tag you made!


  2. Beautiful work! I like the embossed lines around your main panel! Thanks for sharing about Copic markers and embossing...I thought I had heard that and then I saw where someone had used them together.

  3. BEAUTIFUL JOB Julie!!!!!!!!! :) LOOOOOOOVE the white!!!!!!!! AND the lines around look like CHALK! :) VERY ATTRACTIVE!!!!!!!! :)
    Have FUN at your daughter's Basketball game!!!!!! :)

  4. wow Julie, I love how you did this on craft with the white, so creative.

  5. Beautiful card, Julie! I really like the color combination and I am going to try that super lining idea. Straight lines are not easy for me but I may be able to handle this.
    Hope your girls win the game!

  6. Wow, this is so pretty. I didn't know that embossing is bad on the Copics. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wowza, that's gorgeous, Julie! Love the brightness of the flowers against the Kraft card stock!

  8. Very nice card love the roses and the white ribbon with the sentiment on it

  9. Genius! Making those embossed lines, nothing else. Love the roses on Kraft. Your coloring, even when you scribble, is wonderful. Thanks for giving me a new notion to ponder. Happy Weekend! denise g.

  10. Gorgeous Julie! The white embossing is fabulous.

  11. Oh la la! Tres bien Julie! This is stunning! Totally love the white lines, colourful image and the fabulous hand drawn additions! Gorgeous!

  12. Wowzers! This is stunning with the white embossing!

  13. Fabulous card, Julie. I love the beautiful flowers against the kraft card stock and the white lines really make it bounce off the card. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.


  14. Well, your scribbles look awesome! :) Great look on the kraft Julie!

  15. Julie, what a fabulous idea and card! The white embossing really stands out! Love it!


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