
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Hi all and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Did you see my note yesterday HERE about Flourishes fabulous No Tricks, Just Treats Sale?? It's a sweet sale, just in time for Halloween! So click on over to read up on the details!

I thought I'd share an old to me, new to you creation today with all of you -- it's a great all occasion card that you can use to catch up with friends from across the miles!

This card is one I made back in May for one of Flourishes' Class in a Box kits! I have to say, all the decorative paper in this pack was a part of the kit but the fun thing is -- there are only two pieces and you could use this layout and color coordinate your image to any decorative paper color scheme you would like to use! I started by stamping the tellie on a piece of Flourishes Classic White Card Stock using Tuxedo Black Memento Ink. From here, I colored the image from the Call Me set with Copic Markers (see the link list below for the colors that I used!). I cut the image out using Spellbinders Standard Circles LG and then matted it up on a Perfectly Pierced Classic Windows die cut shape. I stamped one of the small sentiments from the set onto one of the tags from the Classic Tags set. Add a little yellow seam binding ribbon, some champagne pearls, and then mat it all up! Easy peasy! 

Here's a cute little close up of the tag -- you can see I tied it on to the ribbon thanks to a wee bit of gold cording. And... ta da! 

And that, my friends, is it! Something quick, fun and easy to serve as a little creative treat this Halloween -- and guess what -- there's no calories in creative treats! :-)

Since it is the Night of Fright, I'll be off marching around my neighborhood with my little banana (see photo below with her brother giving me the -- I refuse to smile because she is weird -- face!). Tonight, we'll be in search of some Halloween fun with her friends. Should be a big dose of candy-induced fun! :-) See you all back here soon!

Have a Happy Halloween & I will 
see you back here soon! 



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  1. Oh, I love your sweet little banana and, I totally get her older brother "not smiling because she is way to weird" face because my 13 year old grandson is kind of like that. I guess it's a teen boy thing, they are waaaay to cool for showing they are really having tons of fun. My hubby and I only had girls so I'm totally inexperienced with the teenage boy antics but, they are lovable, sweet, kind and a riot even if they don't want you to know. Great picture Julie, have a fun and safe Halloween. Are you dressing up too?
    Maria A. Rodriguez, from Crown Point, IN.

  2. Mary, I used to get all decked out on Halloween and had a blast -- always a witch. But, some of my kiddos friends' moms are coming and so - I think I'll keep my love for Halloween on the down low! :-) Yes.. boys are a riot and are very sweet -- just not to their little sisters!!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Julie, I really needed to see this card today. It's a rainy, dreary morning and I just cannot get my act together to, of all things, go to a crop and color this very image! What the heck is wrong with me??? This is just the right nudge! And Maria is right of course, the photo is also perfect for a pick me up! Love it!


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!