
Friday, September 19, 2014

Well hello there!

Howdy ho there stamping friends! Hope your week was wonderful! Mine FLEW by and I honestly can't believe I am typing this prepping for a Friday. What? Huh? Really? The good news is, even though this week went by at lightning speed, I did get some crafty time in my stamp room which always makes my heart smile!

On to my creation!

For this card, I simply picked an image that I had really wanted to color up -- Power Poppy's buttercup image from Marcella's Mixtape Vol. 1 --- and then I went searching on my Get Sketchy Pinterest Board for a sketch to try! I ended up choosing this one HERE! With that done, the rest is really just stamping my image, coloring, and matting! I used Memento Espresso Truffle and then colored up my image with Copic Markers using YG21, YG000, YG25, Y21, Y35, BG0000, C01, and C00. I used a mix of Echo Park and BasicGrey papers, added some paper piercing, a bit of ribbon and, of course, some glitter glue! Just that simple! The sentiment is from the Good Thinking: Renewal set and was stamped using Memento Teal Zeal!

Here's a close up!

And that, my friends, is it!

Play along and your Power Poppy Creations might just be recognized on the Power Poppy blog and on their Pinterest Customer Favorites board! 

HERE’S HOW TO PLAY: Create and share a new Power Poppy card or creation! Just that simple! It can be anything — a card, an altered item, a 3D creation, a set of cards, ANYTHING! We love to see what you’re making. Just click HERE to find out how you can link up your creations!

Before I go, the Bloom Brigade has a bit of eye candy to share with all of YOU! So, hop on over and see.....

Allison Cope
Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Dawn Burnworth
Julie Koerber >>>> you are here!
Kathy Jones
Leslie Miller

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have fun-filled plans for your weekend ahead! Mine will be FULL of sports -- football for my son, fastpitch softball try-outs for my daughter along with basketball practice. Go team!!! I really wouldn't have it any other way though. Enjoy and I'll see you back here soon!


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  1. Ah, Julie, I just love this little teacup of flowers!! Beautiful colors and lovely sketch!! Thanks, as always, for inspiring me!! Hugs!

  2. Well hello there back :) You made the cutest little tea cup! Lovely layering and layout Julie!

  3. I really love this image and you've colored it up so cute! It really benefits from stamping with the lighter ink. I've got a thing for both yellow and sanding, so love that, too. Great sketch. Geez, I've got a sketch board, too, but only two pins on it. I need to make more effort, I think.


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!