
Friday, October 31, 2014

Sneaks Day 4: Heaven & Nature Sing!

Hi all and welcome to Day 4 of the Power Poppy Sneaks for our Happiest Holiday Collection -- Part 2! Today's set is one that literally took my breath away!!!

Heaven and Nature Sing features little birdies on a branch of holly adorned with a few Lenten Rose blossoms for a splash of pizzazz! Don't you just love these sweet little creatures? The set also comes with a Lenten Rose spray, and a few more holly pieces to use to create with reckless abandon! I see fun tags, borders and backgrounds in this set's future for sure!

On to my creation!

I started by stamping the image with Memento Espresso Truffle and then, picked up something new in my craft room -- Tim Holtz Distress Markers. I absolutely LOVE these. I really hesitated getting them because I thought my Copics didn't need any competition. But after trying them, they really are a wonderful medium that gives you deep color without a ton of effort. I used Shabby Shudders, Stormy Sky, Spun Sugar, Worn Lipstick, Barn Door, Forest Moss, Scattered Straw and Wild Honey. I did a mix of coloring directly on my image and scribbling the marker on a palette and picking it up with a blender pen.

After I was done coloring, I did sponge on some Antique Linen and then used this little number -- the Distress Marker Spritzer to get those little spray marks. I think this is a super fun effecrt!

All of the paper is Teresa Collins. I added a bit of pink Hug Snug ribbon and a Queen and Co. goosebump rhineston. There are a few dots of white paint pen to give the birdies' eyes and some of the berries a splash of highlight and.. ta da! Done!

This image is so gorgeous, I know that you are going to want to see all the different ways the Bloom Brigade put their creative touch on it! So, hop on over and see....

Allison Cope
Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Dawn Burnworth
Dina Kowal
Marcy @ the Power Poppy Blog!

Tomorrow, we wrap up the sneaks with a Power Poppy Hop showcasing the sets one more time AND guess what? All of them will be live in the Power Poppy Shop for the buying! What wonderful sets to help you get a jump start on your holiday card making blitz!

See you back here tomorrow!

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  1. Beautiful card and I can't wait to get my hands on this set!!!!

  2. Very pretty indeed Julie! I like the sponging around the edges and the spritzer you added! Lovely Christmas card.

  3. This is just TOO gorgeous, Julie! You make the coloring look so easy, but it is totally outstanding. A most fabulous design with the pretty papers and scalloped edge, and you make the cutest bows!

  4. What a beauty Julie! I love your coloring and the little splatters in the background! Sweet, sweet little bow too! You worked the Distress Markers BEAUTIFULLY!!

  5. Love what you did with this beautiful image.

  6. Julie, this is gorgeous, and I love your precious birds and beautifully colored flowers and holly! This is one of my favorite PP Christmas sets, and I can't wait to color an image! Beautiful layout and DP and lovely finishing bow! Hugs!


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