
Friday, August 19, 2016


Well after being tempted and teased with sneaky peeks all week, the day has finally arrived when all of those fun and fabulous new sets are there for the buying at the Power Poppy Shop! You just need to click HERE to see the Nature & Nurture Collection LIVE in the store! Woo Hoo!

And, just like every release, the Bloom Brigade uses this unveil day to share one more creation using one of the new sets! So.... on to my creation!

Since I didn't get in on the sneaky peek hop for In Praise of Sunflowers, I decided to take this image for a test drive. I absolutely love the flouncy nature of the blossoms Marcy drew and did I mention that sunflowers are my absolute favorite flower? They make me happy with their larger than life "faces" and sunshiney colors. In fact, wild sunflowers grow in the field behind our home and there are times when I am blessed to capture them on my evening walks... See? ;-)

But,  I digress! I guess you can tell why I 1. love this set and 2. had fun coloring it all up! After I stamped the image, I reached for the orange range of colors to make it even more bright and bold. I used Y35, Y38, YR04, YR07 and Y01 for the petals, G20, G21, G24 and G28 for the leaves and B60, B63 and B66 for the vase. E23, E25 and E31 were the colors that I used for the center of my flowers. I grabbed W00, W01 and W03 to add a little shading at the base of the image and BG0000 to add a little shading around the floral portion. You can see that when I was done coloring, I did add some white paint pen spots. I seem to be addicted to my white paint pen lately!

And here's a look at the inside. I decided to use the other image in the set to create almost a watermark on the inside of my card and then, matted up the sentiment as well. I figure when it comes to writing on this baby, I have the whole top of the 5-1/4" card. I'll probably leave this space alone! ;-)

And Power Poppy Peeps, like I said, the rest of the Bloomies are ready and waiting for your visit so that they could show you some of their extra special release week creations! So, don't leave them hanging! Head on over and see...

Allison Cope
Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Julie Koerber >> you are here!
Kathy Jones
Katie Sims
Stacy Morgan
Tosha Leyendekker

And, that's not all sweet stamping friends! Power Poppy has a special promotion on top of all of this! Friday through Monday, you'll get FREE SHIPPING on all domestic orders when you spend $50 or more (or $5 off international orders). There will be select discounts on clear stamps throughout the shop. Just click HERE to see for yourself and... get this... take advantage of Power Poppy's DOWNLOAD FRENZY with 25% off all digital stamps! Click HERE to check out the more than 50 digital stamp sets that are ready for you to buy up, download, print and color up in a jiffy! 

And there you have it friends! Hope you had fun this week and like what you see when it comes to Power Poppy's newest offerings! I know I am already in love with these images and see many, many crafty days ahead with them! 

Thanks for stopping by & I'll see you back here real soon!


  1. Beautiful card and fantastic release!

  2. Julie. I actually gasped when I saw your card. Absolute perfection is what you have here, my dear. Absolute perfection. Beautiful coloring, lovely patterned papers, a pop of textured red card, so pretty! I love the addition of the white dots in the center of the flowers, they just draw me in. And you showcased the image in a stitched circle...LOVE that! The inside of your card is beautiful, too. VERY nicely done!

  3. Oh, Julie, how wonderful that you can walk in the evening and see sunflowers growing in the fields. I can see why you chose this image for your card, and it's gorgeous! I love the rich, fall colors and how you've even adding some white paint. I LOVE that. And what a great layout with beautiful DP - and of course, I love your piercing! Beautifully done, my friend, and enjoy the weekend! Hugs! xoxo

  4. I bought the fall set and a bunch of sets on sale today!! Can't wait to get them! Great job on all your cards!!! If I win, I'll get this set! Haha!


  5. Oh lucky you are to be able to see these lovely flowers on your walks! I think your beautiful coloring has captured these blooms perfectly! Your pretty papers really show your image off so well and I love how you designed the inside of your card! WOW! :)

  6. Very pretty indeed! I like the way you stamped the inside as well. These sunflowers are beautifully colored.


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!