
Friday, September 23, 2016

Keep The Faith

Hello all and happiest of Fridays to you! The feel of autumn has fallen on my neck of the woods, which made for some chilly and rainy days -- perfect weather for a little bit of coloring and creating! 

I had yet to print off Power Poppy's Pure Prairie Bouquet and so I took this time to grab my markers for one big color fest! 

As you can see, I blew up the image so that it would more than cover the front of my card. I chose all kinds of colors -- too many to count or list -- and then highlighted my image with some soft blue shades. After I was done, I fussy cut around the top and bottom and then matted the image onto a piece of soft blue decorative paper. From there, I added the Keep the Faith sentiment from the stamp set Happy Crabapple. Because thse coloring was such a huge part of this card, I chose to keep it simple in design and let the flowers do the talking! And that, my friends is it-- now I have a card full of color that can hopefully send a little cheer to a friend in need.

Moving on! Since it's Friday, that means the Bloomies are here to share a bit of what they've whipped up this week creatively, so be sure to stop on by and see what they have to share today!

Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Julie Koerber >> you are here!
Katie Sims
Stacy Morgan
Tosha Leyendekker

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a fabulous weekend ahead and I'll see you all back here soon! And, if you are looking for some creative fun and a bit of a challenge, don't forget to stop by Power Poppy's blog tomorrow to see if Marcy has another element to her Power & Sparklette challenge for you all!



  1. Ooh, Julie! This is GORGEOUS! I love your amazing coloring, and I also love your expert fussy cutting (and you know I love doing that myself - hehe!). This is absolutely stunning with your layout and the DP at the bottom with your sentiment! Beautifully done and a card that will definitely draw some "oohs and ahs" when it arrives! Hugs, sweet friend!

  2. Vibrant... cheerful and perfect sentiment. Super cool idea with the butterfly wing extended. Beautiful coloring Julie.

  3. Really? Oh, my gosh, your fussy cutting is as amazing as your coloring! I thought you'd masked and stenciled that blue pattern. Just gorgeous all over, Julie!

  4. Ohhhhh, I love how you have the butterfly hanging over the edge of the card!!! Gorgeous!!!

  5. This just screams happy!! Love the mix of colors and how the butterfly goes beyond the card! Simply fabulous!

  6. JULIE! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! You have blown me away girl. Just look at this stunner. I love the out of the box butterfly and the dp at the bottom and all your gorgeous coloring. SQUEE!

  7. Wowsers Jules!! What a delight for the eyes!! Your artful coloring is exquisite! Love the variety of colors and all your little extra details! *sigh*

  8. Oh my goodness! I just adore looking at these flowers in Makro! Love every texture detail you've colored of Marcella's image! Pinning!

  9. Oh my, I love this bunch and the way you have coloured them. I shall try to make a card like that too. Thanks for sharing!


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