
Friday, August 25, 2017

Hues to Use!

Hello all! Goodness, it has been a while since I've posted here on the ole blog. Life has been speeding by and I guess it shows here! Well, I have some fun to share. Have you ever played along with us over on the Power Poppy blog for this little challenge a.k.a Hues to Use????

Every Tuesday, either myself or one of Power Poppy's fabulous guest designers spin the color wheel and use a little creative inspiration from Marcella's Instagram feed. The result is a trio of colors that you can use to mix it up in your crafting spaces. This week's color combo ushers in some summer shades as summer fades. Say hello to Finn, Marcy's son, who happens to not only love baseball, he plays the sport as well. Look at that swing, will ya? So, in honor of Finn's take at the plate, we look to the skies as he earned that hit and grabbed a wee bit of sunny peach, a splash of blue violet and a dash of warm yellow out of that killer sunset.

And, my friends, here's my take on the color combo!

As you can see, I took the color scheme and bumped up the saturation a bit. I didn't realize until after I got started -- gathering all my pieces and parts for my card -- that I really didn't have any paper in these dusty colors. So, I modified it a bit!

After stamping my image from Power Poppy's So Grateful stamp set in black ink, I colored everything up with Copic markers. I started with the bluish purple flowers and grabbed B60, B63 and I blended with V01 and V0000. The centers were done with Y15, Y35, and YR09. The berries were colored with R24 and R39. The dahlias were a bit more intense when it comes to color. I moved from YR00, YR04, YR07, R14 and then I blended some of the flower with Y02 and Y11. The leaves were colored with G21, G24, YG00 and G20 and accented a bit with a wee bit of rust. I honestly don't remember what shade I grabbed, however. I added some shading with YR0000 and YR00. I also accented a bit with the help of a white gel pen. 

Here's a close up....

I kept the layout simple and just layered a few die cut edges with fun decorative paper. I added a sentiment flag to bring out the yellow in the 'Hues to Use' then, finished it all off with some twine and a little wooden button and... ta da! I should mention, the sentiment is from the In Praise of Sunflowers stamp set!

So, what are you waiting for? Dig into these sunset-inspired shades and then, link up your creation HERE! And, guess what? Your creation could spark an invitation for YOU to be a guest designer for one of Power Poppy's upcoming Hues to Use blog posts. Just click HERE to find out all about it!

Now it's time to see what these fine ladies below have been up to in their stamping spaces! So, hop on over and pay these Bloomies a visit!

Christine Okken
Julie Koerber >>> you are here!
Katie Sims
Tosha Leyendekker

Thanks for stopping by and sharing a bit of your day with me! I hope you'll stop back by again soon. Until then, have a fabulous weekend and enjoy sweet stamping friends!

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