
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A little sweetness anyone???

Hi all! Hope you're having a good week! My family knows that when I talk about sweetness - I'm talking about one thing - a little dessert! I think it's ironic that desserts is stressed backwards. Hhhhmmmm. Is that why I get a sweet tooth when I am having a tough work week? Makes sense! I think I am going to go with that!

Anyway, this little creation contains zero calories but is just as sweet! I just love the little cuppy cake in the Birthday Celebrations set that was released recently from Flourishes. I say recently because -- tomorrow -- the DT will start to sneak peek three new sets and they are FAB!

I stamped my cupcakes and my sentiment (from the Sweet Treats set) using Palette Noir ink. The cupcakes were colored with watercolor pencils and blended with a blender pen. I added Diamond Stickles and 2mm rhinestones. Do a little paper piercing, mat it up with some fun punched dp and ..... you're almost done! Add a fun green apple satin ribbon and.... bam! Sweet enough to almost eat!

Here's a close up of the cupcake -- yummy!

Be sure to come back tomorrrow for day one of the sneak peeks! I'll even have some info on how you can win the set of the day! Fun stuff!


  1. This card is extra-cute, Julie! Love it! :)

  2. Just fabulous!!! Cupcake are so cute. Yummy=)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Adorable the ribbon...cannot wait to see what Flourishes has come up with tomorrow :)

  5. A fabulous card Julie. I was at Michael's yesterday and picked up a magazine and saw one of your cards it it, it was gorgeous! Woohoo, way to go girl!

  6. Love this Julie!!! The colors are fabulous! Hope all is well with you and yours...
    Raining and dreary here but we are going to get rid of ALOT of snow!!

  7. too cute love the cupcakes and how you placed them

  8. fantastic card! I love the colors you used.

  9. So yummy Julie! What a perfect little card!! Hugs,

  10. Yummy and cute, that ribbon is a FAV as you know!

  11. What darling cupcakes, Julie!!! LOVE the sparkle, and layout! Hope you are well, my friend!

  12. Yummy looking cupcakes. Love the pretty pink and green card. tfs


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!