
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Living In Color - Sneak Peek!!

Hi all! I know I must sound like a broken record but when Flourishes comes out with new stamps - that release is ALWAYS my favorite! And this one -- is my favorite! ;-) I see a trend here.....

The release is called Living In Color for a reason -- every stamp set that you'll see these next few days is full of colorful potential. So, without further ado-- we kick off today's peek with... Strut Your Stuff!
What's more colorful than a peacock? I love the bright and bold colors you can add and the sentiments in this set are so fun! I didn't use one for my card but -- click around on the link list below and you're sure to see a few! They would create fun, all occassion cards perfect for a little pick me up for a friend or even an "atta boy" card!

I stamped my peacock in Versamark and then embossed with a detail powder I've had forever (the label is long gone) but it was a Verdigris mix of turquoise and copper. I then colored the image with watercolor pencils and blended with a blender pen. The outline on the right hand side of the image was done with a light grey marker. See that filligree done in copper embossing powder along the right side of my image? Well, that my friends is also a part of this set! Too cool! I added some bling just for kicks! The paper, I thought was perfect for this creation - it's called Hamby Screen Prints and I picked it up at my LSS. It was literally calling my name!

Want to see a close up of the feathers and how they were colored? Here you go!

Want to try to win your own "Strut Your Stuff" set? Head on over to the Flourishes Newsletter and leave a comment on their Sneak Peek Day 1 post! Winners for each of the three new sets will be drawn daily!

Now it's time to strut your stuff over to the rest of the DT blogs to see what they colored up for their sneak peeks!

Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Faith Hofrichter
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Leslie Miller
Stacy Morgan

Thanks for stopping by! I'll have a surprise tomorrow that you'll want to unwrap -- so be sure to come on back! :-) (Yep, that was a hint!)

p.s. Mark your calendar for the Flourishes Release Party -- it's set for Friday from 7 to 9 PM Eastern in the Flourishes Forum and is sure to bring in not only fun, games and giveaways BUT more sneak peeks leading up to the minute when these stamps go live in the Flourishes store!!


  1. Gorgeous peacock, Julie. Love your coloring.

    So, I was looking through my Crafts 'n Things magazine last night and everything I liked was made by none other than the great Julie Koerber ;-) Way to go!

  2. ohhhh your closeup just blew me away, so pretty!!

  3. AAAAH ~ copper, my personal favorite. My eye immediately went to the filigree along the side and my hand went to wipe the slobber off my chin. Way too pretty, as usual. Off to remind myself that I do NOT need any new stamps. And I tried that bleach on kraft. I need some practice, but will try it again. Thanks for sharing, most generous Julie!

  4. Very pretty who would have thought a peacock would make up into such a stunner of a card. It's a beauty.

  5. beautiful card the colors are great
    congrat on all your beautiful creations in the crafts & things mag

  6. This is just amazing and love the colors and details you did on this card.

  7. Julie - the colors on this card are so vibrant! I love how it turned out, it is just gorgeous!

  8. Gorgeous! Love the shine the embossing give and your colouring is fabulous!

  9. Beautiful Julie ~ Flourishes knows how to pick up some gorgeous images and you have made this one stand out as another of their flourishing images! Great coloring too! I am super excited that I won blog candy from your mom...cannot wait to get it in. I would not have known about the Cards 4 Kids had it not been for your thanks :)

  10. Julie this is GORGEOUS!!!! Oh I want some of this embossing powder.... This is fantastic, love the fancy edge and the teal is awesome awesome!!! I love this!

  11. Your card is wonderful with an Art Deco look that I love. Just stunning....but then it your norm in everything you do!
    Jan Marie

  12. Absolutely STUNNING! - What a gorgeous peacock and you've done it justice. - Hey I have that same EP (Verdigris by Personal Stamp Exchange) which is no longer (sadly).

  13. Your card is gorgeous - I can't wait to get this set.

  14. This is just stunning. So colorful and beautiful, that peacock is.

  15. He's so beautiful Julie, I love what you girls are doing with this fabulous stamp!

  16. GORGEOUS, Julie!!! LOVE the copper with this...and your coloring...and your shading...and the detail down the side...all of it! Fabulous card, girl! :)

  17. You really brought out the elegance in this bird, Julie! Love how you created the decorative border. I love that embossing powder, too. I think it's just called Verdigri. SU! retired it and I've been sort of hoarding. Gosh, it's perfect for the peacock!

  18. OMGoodness, talk about color gorgeous! This is sooo very pretty, Julie!

  19. WOW! Gorgeous! Perfection with the coloring!!!!

  20. Wowzers Julie...that embossing powder looks fantastic, and the shimmer and color is gorgeous! Beautifully done my friend!

  21. Wow, Julie. This is beautiful! i have been looking for a peacock image. Will definitely be getting this new set!

  22. oh wow how very pretty

  23. Oh My - gorgeous card. I can see why you would love those stamps! Off to check out the other projects!

  24. Julie you rocked this set, it's so beautiful.

  25. Oh Julie! This is stunning! I love the coloring and we must be on the same wave lenght... I just did a Flourishes card for the TT challenge all done in Copper embossing!! Can't wait for tomorrow's peeks!!

  26. Wow! Your coloring is gorgeous, Julie!


Thanks so much for leaving me some love in the form of a comment - it makes me smile!