Thursday, December 20, 2012

Free For All!

   Free for All Friday with Border

The infamous day is here - 12-21-12 -- the day when we can all "Party Like There's no To-Maya!" I know I shouldn't joke about the end of the world, but if you're reading this, it's all in good fun, right? Well today the Flourishes gals have a little dose of fun for you as well. It's a Free for All! It's a time when we pick up and create with some of the newest Flourishes sets and have some free-for-all fun!

On to my creation....

I picked up Flourishes new Garden Dreams set for my card. I just love Marcella Hawley's new set - it has such whimsical images that make you dream of spring! I started by using the Silhouette cut file to cut my shape out of Flourishes Classic White card stock. I stamped my image using Memento Rich Cocoa ink. I picked up my Copic Markers (see below for the colors I used). Add some Color Made Easy pink ribbon, a button and almost done! I used paper from the 123 Create Kit For The Record. I added some stitching and the sentiment in Rich Cocoa and... ta da! Done! 

I should also should point out that today is the last day to take advantage of the December New Release Bundle. It's a savings of 10% when you purchase all three of Flourishes' new sets in a bundle. If you want to check it out in the Flourishes store, just click HERE!  Also, while you're shopping, have you checked out the Gambler's Sale? Prices dropped another 5%, which means your discount is now....


That's right! 50% OFF retail prices! That's a fabulous deal and the perfect way to stock up on some fun goodies to use in your crafting spaces! So, click HERE to check out the Sale Page! 

Are you ready to hop? Let's  get on with the show and see what our ever-so-fabulous designers whipped up using our newest release!

I have to say, I probably won't be back in the blogosphere until after Christmas so, I wish you and yours a very blessed holiday! I hope you rest, relax and reflect on what this beautiful season means! Sending you all wishes of blessings & joy! 



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Allison Cope said...

So beautiful Julie! I love the colouring of your image - just pops of the card front!

Tricia said...

Oh, so pretty, Julie! It's nice to think about spring when there is snow on the ground!


Karen W said...

So pretty and I love how you cut it out!!

TLady said...


dpkennedy said...

Your coloring is so beautiful! Love this card Miss Julie!

Anonymous said...

GRRR! Not sure if it's my I-Pad or the blogspot changes, but I hate retyping my comments. Anyhow --- What a Beauty! The neatly cut out shape helps show off your coloring. Best thing, though, is that it's a SPRING card on the first day of winter. Thank You! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and I'll be back by next year. HUGS! denise g.

ChristineCreations said...

MMM yummy coloring girl! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Ravengirl said...

This is truly lovely!

Joan V said...

Love all the color combinations on this card. WOW and your coloring is fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

Silke Ledlow said...

Julie, this is beautiful! Love the cut out image! I really need to dig out my cricut :) !!!

Merry Christmas to you and your family, hugs ~S~