If you need some inspiration on how to use this set, I even have that too!
To make this 4-1/4" square card, I used my scalloped circle and circle nesties along with a Marvy Giga scalloped circle punch. I used the Christmas Glittered Paper (which is going on sale soon!). After embossing the Merry Christmas and adding some bling, I used one of the ornaments from the All that Glitters set for my centerpiece. Not a difficult card, but it sure is festive!
So, sign up for my candy and then hop on over to these other DT members to check out their goodies! Late Sunday, we'll have the winners' roundup over at the Flourishes Newsletter!
Flourishes Newsletter
That's it my friends! Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Beautiful card--simple yet elegant! My favorite Christmas tradition is our Happy Birthday Jesus party on Christmas Eve before we head to church.
One tradition we have is to open one gift on Christmas Eve and the others on Christmas Day.
Our family loves to bake cookies and deliver to family and friends on Christmas Eve!
Gorgeous card!
My favorite Christmas tradition is being with my family. We alternate whose house we go to each year - mine or my brother's - cook everything from scratch, just enjoy being together
Thanks for the chance to win!
The tradition that we have had since I was little is to open a small gift on Christmas Eve, then Santa would come during the night and leave all the rest of the gifts!
Wow, your creations are great! The Just Rite stuff looks VERY fun! Thank you for the blog candy offering! :D dinobomp@aol.com
I love your card! On Christmas morning we fix Cran-Orange Croissants filled with sweetened cream cheese mixture and have Mimosas to drink (champagne and orange juice)!
My favorite Christmas tradition is baking with my mom. It's special time for just the two of us every year. :)
My favorite Christmas tradition is something that we have been doing since I can remember.
My sister and her family and me and my family get together at my mom and dad's house to make candy. We have a great time together and make some wonderful Christmas treats. The most special part of the candy making is that my Dad has taught all of the grandkids and their spouses how to make the most delicious peanut brittle ever.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the Just Rite stamps!!
It was good to see you at dinner the other night!!
'Love your cards!
My favorite Christmas tradition is that we all go to our Church service on Christmas Eve, and then gather together at our home and read the Christmas story. We get out all the candy and treats, make some hot apple cider, put on the Christmas music, and exchange gifts.
Thanks for this chance to win sweet candy!
~Brenda H.
Hi there
What a fantastic card.
My Christmas eve tradition is we go to the fireworks that our town puts on every year. Santa even comes and visits.
Its a fantastic night and the kids love it!!
I love your Christmas card - but then all your cards are wonderful!!! I enjoy your blog. Thanks for all you share!
Love the Christmas holiday season. Our tradition is to open gifts on Christmas Eve with the entire family and spend Christmas day with our family.
Love the card. I like the way the Just Rite circles are used....this would be a great set to have. thanks for sharing.....
My favorite holiday tradition would be baking. I bake a lot and send to our sons who live too afr away to go there on bad roads in the winter. I also bake to give to friend who don't bake. thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy. Ann Lind
Our favorite holiday tradition is decorating a tree for every room in our house. Each one has it's own theme. Thee is nothing better than falling asleep to the twinkling of Christmas lights.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to finally add some of the Just Rite products to my stash.
What a very pretty card!! As a kid, my sisters and I would get up Christmas morning in the wee early hours of the morning. I'm sure that my Mom & Dad had just gone to bed, but we had to see what Santa had left and make sure he had some of the milk and cookies we left out for him and the sugar we left for the reindeer!!
I love singing songs and swapping gifts! :)
Your card is beautiful! One of our favorite traditions is that I make jammies for our sons (even though they are teenagers now). Also, we give them an ornament that represents something from the past year.
Love the card. My favorite Christmas tradition is the huge breakfast my daughter makes on Christmas morning. Bacon, sausage, eggs, muffins and best of all, banana crepes with warm orange sauce. Yum!
Beautiful card, I love the rich colors. Glad my card arrived and you enjoyed it.
Love your card. I've been wanting inspiration for this particular set. My favorite Christmas tradition is my Mom's Italian Canoli's! Yummmy!
Wow.. this is a lovely set for grabs. Thanks for the inspiration and for the lovely things you share. Christmas dinner is something I look forward to each year :)
Our favorite tradition is to bake these delicious cookies together that my mom has been making since I was little. I taught my daughter to make them too. She has always called them the "Mimi cookies". They are kind of time consuming to make so it's a great time just to hang out with my mom and my daughter and chat.
My favorite tradition has always been Christmas eve at my mom and dad's but because of health reasons they have decided not to host Christmas eve anymore, so now, I have to come up with a new tradition this year!
Gorgeous card! My favorite tradition is decorating the Chirstmas tree at my moms.
x Natasha x
Such a beautiful card! It sure doesn't look simple. I have never used Just Rite stamps and would like to have a chance to do so. My favorite holiday tradition was going out on a wintry Dec. day to cut our Christmas tree. The perfect one was always just over the next hill!
Great card. I am really in to bight and glittery this year. My favorite traditin is decorating the tree and watching a Christmas movie. Midnight mass on Christmas eve also tops my list.
Thanks for a beautifully executed card. Simplicity is so gorgeous. One of our favorite things at Christmas is to gather family and friends together. Such a special time to share the Love of God.
WOW!! LOve your new look!! Great card as well. My favorite Christmas Tradition is having my family over for a Christmas Eve Fish Dinner. The ladies play board games with the kids & the guys play poker. At 12:00 midnight we go to church & then come back to the house for Sausage & pepper sandwiches on great Italian bread! Yummy!! Can't wait to do it again this year!
Our most favorite tradition is to attend Christmas Eve midnight service, it is so beautiful! BTW, LOVE your card, it is gorgeous!
Lisa in Texas
Just wonderful! Love that DP! One of my favorite traditions is the live Nativity we do at our church. Seeing those little girls dressed up in their angel costumes high up in the sky (on a scaffolding) just makes me want to tear up! Thanks for all your wonderful creations over the year and the chance to win this candy!
At Christmas we watch certain movies likeI t's a Wonderful Life, sing carols, and get together with family and some friends we don't get to see too often. It's a blessed time of year!
Beautiful card! A favorite family tradition for us is going to my grandmothers on Christmas Eve.
Your card is gorgeous.
We open our stocking Christmas Eve, and except for the last few years since the birth of my son, we attend candlelight service. I've always loved Christmas Eve and the anticipation much more than actual Christmas Day.
Beautiful card as always
Love to bake during the Holidays with family so much fun and I think that is one of the true meanings of the Holiday to be together
Another lovely card. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Aside from being with family, which is the true blessing, I love to do the Christmas baking and then share it with co-workers, friends, bosses, and family.
Lovely card; it looks so complicated, but your explanation does make it sound easy.
My favorite holiday tradition has been to bake Spritz cookies. I usually start in October, putting them away in the freezer. One year I just didn't seem to be making any headway. I found out later that the kids were eating the cookies straight out of the freezer. So much for baking ahead!!
This is absolutely gorgeous.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is that everyone gets a new pair of pajamas on Christmas Eve. It is so fun to see all the Christmas morning pix with all the new jammies...
We bake the yummiest cookies every year and we usually have a birthday cake (or some scrumptious dessert) with a candle to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.
Love your card and thanks so much for the opportunity to win this set!
Thank you for the chance to win!
My big Italian/Polish family all get together on Christmas Eve and have a huge dinner. It is a wonderful time!
Oooh. I just ordered the christmas ensemble. I can't wait to play. We used to go to my inlaws on christmas eve and my family on christmas day. This year we'll be staying home and enjoying our time as a family.
Ooh, what a pretty card. My favorite family tradition was when I was a kid. We would dress up for the Christmas program at church, perform in the program, and then receive our sack of peanuts and fruit at the end. Once church was over, everyone would go to my grandparents house to eat and open gifts. There were lots of us so the house was filled to the gills with family. Such good memories with my grandparents!
What a fun card! My favorite tradition is having King crab legs on Christmas Eve with the family - come to find out that my mom did this so that we would stay home and not go to our friends houses! Ha! The things we do to keep our family close! Thanks for the chance!
Beautiful card Julie! I'd love to win that set!!!
Our Christmas tradition is to buy for 2 kids,they have a tree with names of a child with wishes on them. They are for needy families,and being we don't have any kids,why not help these kids have a merrier Chirstmas.So I pick a girl and Al pikcs a boy and we try to get as much as we can on there list. It is such a wonderful feeling!!!!
My favorite tradition is to make home made baked gifts like pumpkin or banana nut bread to give to family and friends.
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
I think my favourite tradition is going home to my parents' place on Boxing day. Even though I am an adult and have my own daughter, Christmas is just not Christmas until I see my parents!!
My favorite holiday tradition is making Monkey Bread for the family to eat on Christmas morning. The kids look forward to it, like they do opening the presents, and then we pick at it all day long! YUMMMMM
I love to eat polish cheesecake for Christmas. It's hard to get it in Sweden, but I'm not giving up on that tradition.
Beautiful card, Julie.
My favorite tradition is baking with my girls....we make quite a mess but we love every minute together and come up with some great goodies!!
Our favorite family tradition is watching 'White Christmas' while we decorate the Christmas Tree. I am amazed that my teenage children will still watch it with me. I love the card you made with ODB bird. I love that set too. Terry
This is a gorgeous card. I love the All That Glitters set. Our favorite traditions is going to Midnight Mass and then coming home to open a single gift before going to sleep and watching the visions of sugarplums dance in our heads.
On Christmasday we go on a family walk. It's very nice to do this after having eaten too much on Christmas Eve. Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
My favorite family tradition is all the singing we do. We always sing before opening presents on Christmas eve and then again sometime on Christmas Day.
One of my favorite traditions is reading The Christmas Story on Christmas Eve to my boys (now grown men)
Lovely card! We have several Christmas traditions: a buffet on Christmas Eve. Then everyone gathers by the tree for a reading of the Christmas story. The youngest child/children then put on their santa hats & pass out gifts (two at a time) so everyone can ooh & aah over who got what. We usually make the gifts last until 10:30 or 11!
Hi, Your card is very nice! I would love to win the Christmas set to help finish my Christmas cards. My favorite tradition is Christmas breakfast with my family.
The tradition I cherish the most is attending Christmas Eve service and then after spending time with the family.
My favorite holiday tradition is waking up really really early on Christmas day, making hot chocolate for everyone then waking everyone up to open gifts!
Christmas fudge that's soft and creamy is my favorite sweet item to deliver in unique packaging to family and friends for a sweet gift.
Our favorite family tradition is going to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at our church. It's so beautiful when everyone lights their candles and they dim the lights in the sanctuary. It takes my breathe away and I reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.
My favorite Christmas tradition is opening one gift on Christmas Eve right before we go to bed!
Beautiful card!
One of our favourite family tradition is going to my sister's place Christmas morning. We have breakfast and gift opening together...or rather we watch my niece open her gifts! It's fun to spend the morning together!
Love that card, and of course the candy offering! My favorite holiday tradition is Christmas Eve spent with the in-laws, and a huge Christmas dinner with my equally huge family! We take turns hosting, and I love when it's my turn!
A tradition that our family looks forward to is a personalized and dated ornament that I hand make. I started when my neice was born. She has 26 ornaments...and is anxiously awaiting number 27.
T. Blue
My favorite is the christmas eve dinner. Everyone's favorite foods and lots of chatter, fun and one present to open. I love it. It is so special.
Our family reads the Christmas story and opens one present on Christmas Eve. We also call all the families on Christmas day since we can't be with them while overseas.
that is a great card, thanks for the inspiration. My favourite christmas tradition by far is decorating the tree with family. Thank you for this chance to win such awesome blog candy.
Lovely. Having the entire family gather at my parents' home for Christmas Eve is my favorite tradition.
You're right - it IS very festive! I love the little red bling, too - great card! Thanks for another great Christmas card idea, and thanks for a chance at blog candy! My favorite tradition is reminiscing about the past year and planning for the new one as I take down all of the decorations on New Year's Day. It's a day of gratitude and hopefulness for me...
Lovely embossed ornament. My favorite tradition is to make candy or cookies that we only eat at this time of year. I try to make them a little more special since I usually share some with friends.
I've enjoyed reading all the comments! Especially those that are like my favorite tradition: opening a small gift on Christmas Eve. My husband didn't think *anyone* did that!
My favorite Christmas traditions are:
Going to church with my family on Christmas Eve and
Putting out my collection of children's Christmas books that I started over 24 years ago when I was pregnant with my first son. We ALL enjoy picking up our favorites and looking through them, remembering the story, appreciating the illustrations, etc. I can't wait to share these books with my grandchildren!
Love your holiday look. One of my favorite traditions was buying my kids new pj's every year and this would be the one gift that they could open on Christmas eve--(I washed them before wrapping)--to wear to bed that night. That way they always looked so cute the next morning for those Christmas morning photos. Although after a few years the kids of course had got on but they always loved to the play the game too. Darlene
That IS a festive card! My favorite Christmas tradition is reading a new Christmas book (usually a children's book) at my Sister-in-law's home on Christmas Eve. My husband has a large family and it is usually the only time that everyone is quiet and focused on one thing!
one of my favorite Christmas traditions is a weekend of cookie and candy making with 2 of my long time girlfriends. We have a great time-eating, reminiscing and don't forget cocktail hour with pomegranite martinis!
I love this card. Very pretty.
The one thing I love to do at Christmas (or any holiday) is to craft with my daughters. We have alot of fun-and are doing something nice/thoughtful for other people.
Now this is a card I definitely want to copy. It's simple and elegant and just my speed. I just don't have any Just Rite ensemble yet.
A family tradition that's been carried on for 3 generations is to invite friends to celebrate Christmas Day with our family. These friends come from all over the states and do not have any family living here in the islands. So we are their substitute family and spend the day cooking, eating, praying and playing games. It's such a heartfelt joy to be able to share the day with everyone. MarilynY
Favorite holiday tradition--baking! I love sweets and your candy is super sweet. Thanks for offering the chance to win.
Beautiful Card!! One of my favorite traditions is playing board games with my kids on Christmas Eve.
Jennifer L.
Beautiful card. My favorite tradition is to allow my son to open one present on Christmas eve and then the rest on Christmas morning. Thank you for the chance to win.
Gorgeous card! I'm grateful to have found your amazing blog through Susan's and even more greateful for a chance to win this awesome set. My favorite part of Christmas is that;s the only holiday that the whole family usually shows up, I know they are greedy, but I am still grateful to have the there!! I'm also looking forward to Christmas Mass!
Every Christmas morning our family rolls out of bed to the rich smells of vanilla flavored Swedish pancakes cooking and rich dark coffee brewing. Nope not me cooking... My husband. It is a real treat!!
Beautiful card, Julie.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is baking a birthday cake for Jesus. Stated when my children were very yound and have continued all these years (34). And it has to be carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!
Simply a gorgeous card....love it! My favorite Christmas tradition is putting out the decorations with my sons!!!
Cindy C.
great blog candy! One tradition my girls and I have is to create homemade gifts for family and friends. Sometimes they are craft items, jewelry or sweet treats. It is so nice to be able to spend the time togethe.
My favorite Christmas tradition is doing the planning and baking of treats and appetizers. Thanks for the chance to win that fabulous blog candy!
Since we have no children at home anymore we really don't have any traditions. This year my dh works Christmas day from 3pm - 11pm so we will have a Christmas brunch with my folks coming over and we will open our gifts then.
Thanks for the blog candy drawing! That's a great card!
I love your card~ So pretty and sparkly looking! My favorite tradition is getting together with my Mom and sisters and doing a bunch of Christmas baking, and the children and men coming in for tastes! To me Christmas is all about the kids and families spending time together! Thank you for the chance to win this awesome blog candy!
Very lovely card. Love the bright colors.My favorite Christmas tradition is going to Mass with the family and then having our Christmas Party.
Mary L Schreiber
I love your work, Julie! Very pretty card! Our family always attends our Christmas Eve service, then we have a light meal in anticipation of our extended family dinner Christmas Day. During the holiday season, particularly New Year's Eve, we get out the cross country skis and ski until midnight. My husband grooms trails around our land so we have a chance to wear off the extra calories!
Fabulous card, Julie. I love Christmas and have so many traditions. I guess my favorite is baking Christmas cookies. I make at least 12 different kinds which my family lovingly refers to as the Twelve Cookies of Christmas!
For years our tradition was everyone coming to our house for the day but when my son got his place, now the new tradition is to go to his place and I DON'T COOK A LICK!! He does it all! I love it! Does this mean the torch has passed?? I love the Just Rite sets you are offering! Sure could find a way to make them part of my next Christmas tradition!! Thanks for offering the chance to win! Merry Christmas to all of you!
What a cute card, a great blog candy. I have many favorite Christmas traditions, but one that I really like is driving all around town looking at the Christmas lights with my kids! There's no pressure, nothing time-dependent, nothing to measure, just pure ooohing and aaaahing. Such fun!
Oh, I just love your card! I especially like the way you combined different sets, and used the Just Rite stamper just for the border.
My favorite holiday tradition would have to be the handmade ornaments I made for each of my children every Christmas. My children are both grown now and I plan to give them their ornaments as soon as they have their own house.
I have so many favorite Christmas traditions that I can't even list them all. I love all the trappings of Christmas...the tree, the stockings, baking cookies, making and sending cards etc. It's all wonderful!
Okay, I really want this one--I've left comments on all the others, but still have hope!! We have a dinner for just family on Christmas Eve and can open one gift which is always new P.J.'s (of course, what else)!?
We used to alternate homes for our Christmas breakfast and opening of gifts. Now my children have their early morning celebration with their children, then come celebrate with breakfast at our house. Later in the afternoon, we all go to the movies. Sounds odd, but works well for us.
Love the card!
Love when is time for the Christmas decor around the house, my kids help a lot, thanks for sharing......gina
My favorite thing about Christmas is being with friends and family. I love to bake tons of cookies and share them with everybody I work with.
What a beautiful set, Baking cookies with the kids when they were smaill. Spending a day in the kitchen baking sugar cookies and gingerbread men and then decorating them. Now I look forward to doing it with my grnadchildren.Thanks for this opportunity to win
Eileen (emcclean@telus.net)
My favorite Christmas tradition is watching the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. I love the part where Linus recites the passage from the Bible that describes then Christ was born!
Julie C. (afancycat@yahoo.com)
Your card is just stunning. One of my favorite Christmas tradition is going out with the family looking at all the pretty Christmas lights and decorations. Thanks for a chance at this sweet candy.
I love the card, so simple and yet so elegant. My favorite Xmas tradition (since moving to the US) is cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk for breakfast on Xmas day morning, when we open the gifts.
Oh your card is soooo pretty! My favorite tradition is reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to my children on Christmas eve ... just before going off to bed {wearing our warm Christmas jammies and taking photos of it all of course!}. Thanks for a chance to win this very generous gift.
Oh Julie! I love the ornament you put in the center...so elegant!
Thank you for offering a chance to win this fun tool :)
My favorite Christmas tradition is driving through the neighborhoods with my family, to admire the decorations and lights.
Our tradition is to spend Christmas eve with friends and then Christmas morning with family. I have tried to make all my Christmas cards for the last few years, so I'm always on the lookout for what to do the next year.
What a beautiful card!! Thank you for the chance to win this awesome blog candy.
Oh wow...I have tons of ideas so thanks for the chance to win!
I love the tradition of giving the kids new PJ's on Christmas Eve to wear to bed. This year I am adding a new (handmade by mom) pillowcase, and hope to each year to build their stash to swap out.
Julie - I love the holiday look on your blog....very festive.
My favorite Christmas traditions are attending Christmas eve services, and watching the grandkids open their presents on Christmas morning.
I have enjoyed seeing the Just Rite creations.
My favourite Christmas tradition is to snuggle up with my guy and watch A Christmas Carol with a glass of wine on Christmas eve.
I think my favorite Christmas tradition is when we were kids we would get up super early and open gifts...like 5:30am! Then we would help mom with breakfast. We still do that now...except we all go to her house as we're all grown...and it's closer to 6:30am but still early...and we all bring something for the breakfast meal.
Love the card.
I love to meet with family and friends on Christmas Eve and swap gifts. Such a wonderful time everyone has.
My favorite holiday tradition is to go drive around and look at christmas lights !
Thanks for a chance to win !
A fav family tradition of ours is cruising the neighborhoods checking out Christmas lights ... it's hard to pick just one, LOL!
Beautiful card!! And, what a festive blog! It's so inviting! My dh & I open our gifts alone on Christmas Eve.
I love this card, the colors are beautiful.
We open one present on Christmas Eve.
Thanks for all the wonderful ideas and inspriation.
Donna Coffman
My neighborhood does a Candlelit Luminary and Santa comes around in a lighted sleigh and delivers goodies to the kids - my family loves it!
My family used to go downtown to see Santa and his winter wonderland every year on the day after Thanksgiving. I don't know of any stores that do anything like that anymore. It's a tradition I miss a lot!
Beautiful card. I would love to have some of these stamps. My oldest son changed our opening a gift on Christmas eve and the rest on Christmas to opening them all at midnight. Since we don't have any little ones we've been doing this for the past five years. It's fun. We all get to sleep in.
Connie Roberts
My fave tradition is ringing bells outside my kids door at 6am so they think santa is here!
My favorite Christmas tradition is riding around the city looking at all the beautiful decorations and lights that have been put up through the neighborhoods with my family. Thanks for the chance to win such a special gift!
Would love to have my entire family with me for the holidays...since this is not possible, we call each other Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
HI JULIE! Just a note to let you know that ornament looks fabulous on your card! LOVE it!
I am not commenting to enter the drawing, I wanted to let you know you have been tagged on my blog!
Great to be here again! Take good care, my friend!
my fave tradition is the tree decorating to the sounds of Christmas songs!!!!!!!
B/c we are out of town for the holidays, my family's favorite tradition is to open our gifts to each other before we head out of town to visit extended family.
Beautiful Christmas card Julie!
My favorie Christmas tradition is being with the family and remembering all the moments and memories!
That card is gorgeous! I love it!
My favorite Christmas movie is "It's A Wonderful Life"...can't get enough of it. Thanks for the chance to win.
Our tradition is to open one gift on Christmas Eve (the kids beg and sometimes get two) and we either watch Christmas movies or listen to Christmas songs. This year the kids wanted to decorate for Christmas and it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet. I made them wait and they sure weren't happy...that is until today when I let them open one box of Christmas decorations. We'll probably finish taking them all out tomorrow. FYI - I'm from Billings also and currently live in the Reno/Sparks area in Northern Nevada. Cheryl L.
Decorating our home with tons of lights ,its like the Griswalds around our home and I Love it.
What a great card! Thanks for the blog candy give away. I just love spending time with family at Christmas - decorating the tree, baking cookies and watching Christmas movies.
Rene' Mewes
Love this set. Our favorite holiday traditions is that we buy the kids new christmas pj's every year that they get to open on Christmas eve and wear that night. Also they get new ornaments to hang on the tree each year. Pretty simple ones.
OMG - what great blog candy!
Our tradition? Making meals together and sharing our blessings.
Our tradition started back when I was a little girl with my grandpa making oyster stew on Christmas eve. That tradition has continued to this day even tho grandpa has been gone for many,many years. Thanks--love your card and the justrite products.
Cheryl Sims
We all go to the Childrens Christmas Eve church program and then the family all go to grandma's house for Chili and opening gifts.
I love watching my boys (6 & 8) on Christmas Eve, carefully selecting the very best cookies (always the ones with the most chocolate chips) and taking out a special glass for milk, to leave for Santa.
My mom's and mine tradition is to pretend that Santa still exist by putting the presents under the tree without seeing each other.
Oh how elegant. Lovely card. We love traditions here. One unusual one is the PJs the elves leave on our boys beds on Christmas Eve. They are now all over 17 and still expect to receive their new PJs. They are always handmade out of fleece so the boys live in them all winter. We also have Christmas open house to see our over decorated home. We get 200+ people each year.
Happy Holidays
I would have to say that my FAVORITE tradition is church on Christmas Eve. Next would have to be our Christmas eve pizza. DH is a pastor--so Christmas Eve time is limited. So in the afternoon we make pizza together.
I love making cards and gift wrapping with my younger siblings!
Nice card. One of my favorite traditions is making a gingerbread creation with my oldest son.
Love the blog candy. I really want to get some JustRite stamps. I have yet to get any. TFS
Gail :-)
Beautiful ornament! One of the traditions at our house is the advent angel I made when my daughter was little. I put little ornaments in each pocket and the closer it got to Christmas the ornaments would be of the manger animals, the 3 kings, and angel, a star, Mary, and Joseph. The last ornament was always Baby Jesus that went on her small tree on Christmas morning. Even though my daugher is now in college and away from home, I still continue this tradition and one day I hope she will do the same with her children.
I love decorating the tree with my hubby and my boys.
I love hunting for the perfect Christmas tree - my DH, not so much! LOL I HAVE to have a real tree, the smell is to die for.
I love checking your blog daily - always an inspiration!
My favorite holiday tradition would be baking cookies with my kids. Thanks for the op to win some yummy blog candy!
Char in So Cal
Another awesome card Julie. I guess we really don't have any set Christmas traditions. One I do remember is how our son had to always put popcorn out for Roudolph. He said "Santa gets all the treats, but Roudolph does all the work." Smart kid.
Loved the card. Our traditions are just to spend time with family and friends when ever we can. Happy Season, and great Blog candy.
Beautiful card! Great candy! My fave Christmas tradition - so hard I love so much about Christmas. Probably getting everything out and decorating my 4 year old just loves it and he has a little people nativity and just plays and plays with it! He embodies the true spirit of Christmas and it is so fun to watch!
Beautiful cards as always Julie!
My favorite Christmas tradition doesn't really start until a couple of days before Christmas where we go out into the woods and find a good looking tree, cut it down and haul it home. Decorating it with hand made ornaments, some new and old and then finishing the evening sharing memories with good friends and family.
Hope i'm not too late!! Favorite Christmas tradition is going and picking out one ornament for our tree. (each person that is) We also go to our library and the kids each get to make their own ornaments. Our tree is a 'kids' tree for sure!
Your card is lovely! I have yet to try the Just Rite products! Our tradition since I was little was to open presents on Christmas Eve!
Wcute card! I just got the monogram kit from just rite, and love it! Our tradition is decorating everything the weekend after Thanksgiving, and with it snowing here, it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! lol
my favorite CHRISTmas tradition is to spend the eve with my kids and bake cookies.
Gorgeous card! My favorite Christmas tradition is turning on the Christmas music, heating up some hot chocolate and decorating the tree with the kids. It's so fun to look at all the homemade ornaments they've made over the years.
I think I'm too late, but I'll tell you anyway. ;) My favorite tradition was a Christmas Eve thing in my parents house and has become a fairly 'regular' holiday event in my house- sitting in a dark house with only the tree lights on, singing Chrsitmas "hymns" as a family. Love it, love it.
Also, I have an award for you on my blog....!
WOW - Julie - you made this Set look so stunning!!! Love the gold embossing!!!
Our tradition is to fly down to the Bahamas to be with my husbands family for the week. What a fun way to celebrate Christmas - everyone really goes all out w/ decorating their homes and big beautifully lit trees! It's really different from the Christmas I spent in Chicago as a child.
DS (15 now) and I stay up all night baking cookies and putting goodies together. We usually "have" to run to Wal-Mart about 3:00 AM for siran wrap or extra plates. We started this when he was 7 - and he still likes to do it! Kimberly
What a gorgeous card. You just can't have TOO much bling on a Christmas card and this one is perfect! :O)
My favorite holiday tradition is from when I was young and my whole family would go to Midnight Mass, sing Christmas carols and hurry home (usually in falling snow) to TRY to sleep so Santa could make his deliveries! We always had a huge Christmas dinner and my grandparents lived right next door, so it was wonderful to have all our family so close.
Now my children are grown and my family is spread all over the place However, we DO get to have most of our kids and grandchildren here on Christmas morning for breakfast and swapping gifts and have started a new tradition.
I love the blog candy, too! Cool stuff!!
When the grandkids were young, my mom-inlaw, sis-inlaw, and I started "cookie baking day." The oldest grandchild is 23, married, & living far away but we still find a day to get together.
By now if you don't know it's beautiful and stunning, we need to have a talk! It is really so beautiful!
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