I absolutely love using bags to "wrap" my gifts. Why? Because you don't have to wrap! ;-) I am an awful gift wrapper. What's funny is -I was trained to be a professional gift wrapper at a department store while I was in high school. I never made it.
So, what I do now instead is, I buy bags! When I see a cute one, I pick it up knowing I can deck it out with a fun tag or some fabulous ribbon! The dollar store seems to be the place where I find a lot of them. And... it's even better when you have a stamp to match a bag you find!

Here's a peek at the entire tag.....

I hope you've enjoyed seeing how I like to deck out my holiday packages! For those packages that "have" to be wrapped, I love getting a simple silver or gold wrapping and letting my ribbon and tags do the talking! I am glad I have some tags ready in my holiday gift wrapping arsenal -- ready to go for Black Friday! :-)
Want some more inspiration? Check out the Stamp Simply teams fun wrapping ideas!
I hope you've enjoyed seeing how I like to deck out my holiday packages! For those packages that "have" to be wrapped, I love getting a simple silver or gold wrapping and letting my ribbon and tags do the talking! I am glad I have some tags ready in my holiday gift wrapping arsenal -- ready to go for Black Friday! :-)
Want some more inspiration? Check out the Stamp Simply teams fun wrapping ideas!
Also, this week over on the Flourishes Newsletter, I created five other tag designs that are fun! You can click HERE to see and don't forget to visit the other members of Flourishes' fine and fabulous DT!!! Latisha, Christine, Laura, Stacy, and Leslie! Cindy is taking the week off!
Thanks for stopping by! I'll see you back here soon!
Thanks for stopping by! I'll see you back here soon!
well you have impressed me today!
Love it!
Cute stuff, Julie! This is absolutely beautiful! I hope all is well with you! Miss you girly! :) Big hugs!
Julie - thanks for the tag inspiration! I love how you found a bag that looks like the border stamp - so cute!
Too Cute! Love it! You put as much or more work into bagging your gifts as I do wrapping mine. Yep, I love to wrap!!! What fun is it for the kiddos if they don't have to tear off layer after layer of paper on box inside of box? Oh, yeah ~ gotta keep the nephews out of mischief for as long as I can and start with a big box and go smaller and smaller. Hey, how much coffee you needin' today after your wild & Lovely night in the New Moon?? Have a FANTABULOUS Day, Sweetie!
Who are you kidding here DD..you wrap the most BEAUTIFUL packages one could ever wish for. I hate to unwrap them as they are a work of art but this bag is too cute for words. I'm thinking the tag could be used for a book mark. And by the way....HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dearest daughter. Wish we could share a cup of coffee this p.m. Love you so much, Mom
Hi sweetie!! Love your project today... Hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Fabulous way to "wrap things up!"
Lovely Girl!! Your mom is right on this would make a beautiful book mark...Happy Birthday to you also...
Wow! What a cool gift tag. Makes the packaging so personal. And the sugared gum drops are just yummy.
Just too cute, Julie!!! That bag is perfect!!! What a lucky find!
Just too cute, Julie!!! That bag is perfect!!! What a lucky find!
Happy Birthday, chickie!
I had to laugh at what you said about your job as a wrapper...and what your mom commented :)
LOVE that chunky glitter on the gum drops yummy! Beautifully wrapped designs Julie!
What a perfect match! Your tag is gorgeous and I love all the little details!
Wow what an awesome tag and even more so by the fact it really does match the bag you found. So pretty and I love the chunky glitter on the gum drops.
(and many mooooooooore!!!!!)
Uh, I gave it my best shot, but I'm no Barbra Streisand, KWIM? LOL
I followed the bizarre trail of numbers from your Mom's blog to come wish you a happy birthday! Who cares about numbers anyway? You're as young as you feel! I hope it's a great one for you and that you do something special for yourself!
Your bag is lovely BTW! What a thrifty and beautiful way to present a gift!!
ok, I'm off to my next singing lesson now *snort*
I can hardly believe how perfect your bag and tag are together! As though they were made for each other. I love the look! It's your birthday? Someday I'll get on top of these things. Happy birthday to you!
Your tags are FABULOUS... Oh I love all the ones over on the blog... Just beautiful girlie!
this is so pretty!!
not to mention ALL of those beautiful tags!!
Happy Birthday, Julie! Hope dinner was delightful, tasty, and a massively lovely family treat! Primed for pre-Black Friday? ads say goodies galore coming as did Herberg on local news. You go girl! Keep Looking UP!
Perfect custom tag to match your bag!
Totally darling, Julie! I love it!!!
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