Q. What is that "contraption" in the corner of some of your photos?
A. This is my makeshift light kit..... total cost was between $40 and $50 but you could get away with a lot less.

When I said you could get away a lot cheaper - you really don't need the light stand since the light is a clip on light. Attach the light to a chair back and-- you could be good to go! I just like the fact that I can adjust my light to height. I don't do that often, but it's nice to have.
Q. What kind of camera do you use?
A. I use a Cannon Powershot G6. I bought it for work about 5 years ago. I love it, but if you have a macro button, that's really all you need now a days to get great pictures of your cards/creations. Cameras are so much more sophisticated now that you can pick a similar camera for a LOT cheaper. I think now they are up to the G10!
Q. How do you store your border punches?
A. Honestly, that is becoming a problem!! ;-) I have them in one of the plastic drawers in one of the rolling carts and I won't be able to fit one more punch inside. I love the new EK Success punches that lock down to a slim size -- those rock! Anywhoo, no real great ideas on that front! LOL!
Q. What does the sign on your window ledge say?
A. Well - it says 'Everyone is gifted, some just open the package sooner.' It made me laugh and realize that hey.. we all have our moments. So, if some day I finish a card and accidentally smudge ink all over it - I'm only human, maybe I'll get to open "the package" some other
Q. What kind of camera do you use?
A. I use a Cannon Powershot G6. I bought it for work about 5 years ago. I love it, but if you have a macro button, that's really all you need now a days to get great pictures of your cards/creations. Cameras are so much more sophisticated now that you can pick a similar camera for a LOT cheaper. I think now they are up to the G10!
Q. How do you store your border punches?
A. Honestly, that is becoming a problem!! ;-) I have them in one of the plastic drawers in one of the rolling carts and I won't be able to fit one more punch inside. I love the new EK Success punches that lock down to a slim size -- those rock! Anywhoo, no real great ideas on that front! LOL!
Q. What does the sign on your window ledge say?
A. Well - it says 'Everyone is gifted, some just open the package sooner.' It made me laugh and realize that hey.. we all have our moments. So, if some day I finish a card and accidentally smudge ink all over it - I'm only human, maybe I'll get to open "the package" some other
day! :-)
And, to answer my friend Cheryl who said - if you are anything like me, you won't want to create for a while for fear of messing it up! Well, I am happy to report I have 8 new cards to show! hehehe! I just need to get my camera out so I can show you all!
And, to answer my friend Cheryl who said - if you are anything like me, you won't want to create for a while for fear of messing it up! Well, I am happy to report I have 8 new cards to show! hehehe! I just need to get my camera out so I can show you all!
Happy Tuesday! See you back here soon!
Thank you!
Such wild hair! Hear ye! This info Q & A makes comments take a grip! Such photo life and enhancement visuals enliven stamping and cardmaking tutorials still life or video. Thanks, Julie. Keep looking UP!
Come and do my room!!!
Oh Julie ~ I am so glad that you shared this with us!!! I bought one of those OBYN (sp?) box screens and it is waaaayyy to big. You live and you learn. Anyhoo it came with two lights and it takes up so much room in my craft room. Your idea is the perfect solution to making this area of mine smaller! Maybe it will make my pictures better also. That is one of the things I have been most frustrated with...my photos never seem to be clear enough and I do use my macro. Thanks again!!!
Must be nice to be SO organized ... thanks for sharing all of these awesome ideas! I'll have to check that "macro" setting on my camera ... I have the same camera as you but obviously don't use it near as well, LOL!! Thanks for all the info ... you're a gem!
You are brilliant, I have come back to this posting because I am trying to replicate and make my own make shift light box. So... I am not getting good results, and I don't think it is my camera, i think it is me the user.(that is the sad part)
I am wondering how far away you shoot from? And how do you not get a shadow when you are shooting in front of the light?
And finally do you use a tri pod for your camera?
Tahnks for all your tips and tutorials they help us, less talented ladies alot!
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