Hi All!
Friday was the release of some really fun new stamps from Gina K. Designs! If you liked her Kindred Spirits Moms or Kindred Spirits Dads, then you are going to love her new
Kindred Spirit Kids line! When I saw all of the images, I immediately thought of a coupon book that I could make and give to my kids - things like having a sleepover, playing in the dirt, going on a hike, or hitting the spray park! These images work PERFECTLY for this!! There are so many I didn't use too! That means YOU could get even more creative than this!!
Here's the cover of my book - Used decorative paper and some fun embellishments - just gingham and grosgrain ribbon and some fun Making Memories epoxy buttons. The whole thing was held together with a ring that splits open - anyone know the name for this??? I couldn't think of it to save my life! It's like the rings that are on a binder - only it's by itself.

Here's the first "ticket/coupon." I colored all the images with the new
Koh-i-noor pencils that Gina K. now stocks in her online store. I tell you what - these pencils have been described as "butter" and that description is dead on. They are so soft, they float on your paper. You then can blend them with
odorless mineral spirits using
paper stumps or tortillions.

Here's Ticket #2-- family bike rides are a family favorite in our house!

Here's Ticket #3-- With the mountains just about 60 miles away - this is a super duper fun get-away for us! I have to admit, I drew in a pony tail on the little girl to look more like my Ellie.

Ticket #4 - Love the "no questions asked" part. I am actually afraid of them asking to use this one!!! LOL!

Ticket #5- Sleepovers! What kid doesn't ask a million times a week for one of those!!

Want to know something funny? Well, the ink wasn't even dry on this baby and the kids already wanted to cash in one of their "tickets!" So, this weekend we hit the spray park in town and here are the pics to prove it!!

You can see Ellie in the back with the light blue bathing suit - yes, she is striking a pose. What this camera didn't pick up is her screaming - Big Bad Fountain HERE I COME! That girl cracks me up! Cal is there in the orange t-shirt trying to ring out his t-shirt. He thought he was too cool to run through the fountains. Well, we got there and he says - I might just walk Ellie around. Next thing we know he's sopping wet - t-shirt and all! Silly kid!
More pics!

p.s. I made a PDF of this ticket book file, so if anyone wants it to make a book like this of their own - just shoot me an email and I will send it along! Happy Monday!