Here's the rules for this one. Accept the award from the Sweet Friend (s) that sent it to you, thank her in your post and pass it on to bloggers whose creativity knock your socks off. Then reveal 7 things about yourself. I'll try to make the 7 things interesting, but no promises! LOL!
First, let's get to the stampers that knock my socks off. Ok, first things first, the ladies on my blog roll all knock my socks off. I love the "sisters" I design with on both the Flourishes and IO design teams.
Now, if I had to name some that I don't directly create with, I'd say.....
Debbie Olsen - one of the first blogs I subscribed too!
Asela Hopkins - "hop" on over to visit this sweet and talented lady
Amy Sheffer - when you're in a creative "pickle", visit her!
Yvonne Hagane - has mad coloring skills!
Susan Roberts - sock some of her beautiful ideas away for a "rainy" day!
Joanne Basile - love her sweet, truly heartwarming design
Joan Bardee - Paperlicious, what can I say?
Amy Rohl - clean, crisp, and spunky design all "rohl'led into one!
There are soooo many more names I could list here and probably would if you had all day, but these 8 are some of the gals I go to when I just need a nudge in the creative department. I look at the colors they use, the layouts, the embellishments and nine times out of ten, they inspire me to put my own spin on things. Sometimes, seeing a great color combo or a fun image is all it takes... right?
Thanks for stopping by! I am working on some fun things in my ole stamp room and will share some of it SOON!
Happy weekend!
p.s. I forgot the 7 things about me... if you want, click away now... I'm sure you've got better things to do! LOL!
1. I'm a corvette girl and can't wait until I win the lottery so I can fix up the '77 that is sitting in my garage.
2. My dad was an amateur race car driver, thus I can claim my lead foot is genetic
3. My mom taught me how to craft at birth (really, she did!) and I thank her regularly for loving to create with my hands in so many ways - card making, knitting, quilting, painting etc!
4. I have two fabulous kids and a wonderful husband and thank my lucky stars daily!
5. I love to sing! Music is a huge part of my life.
6. I consider myself a "beer snob" and love trying home grown brews with my hubby. I am allergic to wine, so I've adapted with beer!
7. I am terrified of heights - knee shaking terrified of heights!